Page 111 - JWP 120122
P. 111

First Captive Born Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica Desmarest, 1822) in Malaysia  103


                     Appendix 1. Details on the identification (stud book no. and given name) and other relevant information (sex, date of rescue/birth/death,
                       weight, rescue location, and cause of death) of the Sunda pangolin in Sungkai Wildlife Conservation Centre (SWCC) of PERHILITAN.

                                Cause of Death   Septicaemia  Traumatic injury resultant to falling   n/a  Traumatic injury due to cage mate fight   n/a   31/01/2020 (Escaped)   n/a  Hepatitis and stress-related gastric ulcer   n/a   n/a   n/a   Malnutrition   Starvation

                               Date of   Death     17/04/2019   09/04/2019   n/a   17/11/2019   n/a   n/a   n/a   10/06/2020   n/a   n/a   n/a   30/05/2020   21/05/2020

                                 Rescue Location   Kuantan, Pahang   Kinta, Perak   Kuantan, Pahang   Lenggong, Perak   Gerik, Perak   Sungkai, Perak   Gua Musang, Kelantan   Sungkai, Perak   Ipoh, Perak   Sungkai, Perak   n/a (captive born)   Sungkai, Perak   n/a (captive born)

             First Captive Born Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica Desmarest, 1822) in Malaysia.

                            Weight       at   Weight at  Arrival/   Arrival/  Birth   Birth (kg)  (kg)   1.35   2.60   3.60   2.00   1.95   6.80   2.60   5.10   5.00   3.40   0.15   2.55   0.14

                              Date of  Rescue/  Birth   26/03/2019   03/04/2019   22/07/2019   02/11/2019   23/11/2019   20/01/2020   12/03/2020   14/04/2020   27/04/2020   29/04/2020   06/05/2020   09/05/2020   11/05/2020

                                Sex       M   F   F   M   F   M   M   F   M   F   F   F   F

                               Given   Name   Situ   Kinta   Tara   Lenggong   Gerik   Jernang   Balan   Pindang   Lahat   PGA   Corona   Samudera   Corina

                                                                                  n/a= not applicable
                              Stud   book   No.   MJ0001   MJ0002   MJ0003   MJ0004   MJ0005   MJ0006   MJ0007   MJ0008   MJ0009   MJ0010   MJ0011   MJ0012   MJ0013
   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116