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Ahmad Meisery Abd Hakim Amir, Liwauddin Adam, Amal-Ghazali Nasron, Mohd Hasrol Shah, Muhd
               108     Ahmad Meisery Abd Hakim Amir, Liwauddin Adam, Amal-Ghazali Nasron, Mohd Hasrol
                                 Fadlli Yazi, Tan Cheng Cheng, Pazil Abdul Patah, Mohd Azhari, Syamsu Fairi
                         Shah, Muhd Fadlli Yazi, Tan Cheng Cheng, Pazil Abdul Patah, Mohd Azhari, Syamsu Fairi


               The  authors  thank  the  United  Nations  Development Programme  (UNDP)  for
               funding  this  programme  under  the  project  of  Improving  Connectivity  in  the
               Central  Forest  Spine  (IC-CFS).  We  also  express  our  gratitude  towards  our
               colleagues  Amal-Ghazali  Nasron,  Liwauddin  Adam,  Hasrol  Shah  Hasnan,
               Mohamad Syaiful Rusdi Bin Mohd Sharif, Wan Mohamad Adham Bin Mohd
               Wan Mohamad and Ridzuan A/L Hasan for their support and assistance during
               the biodiversity inventory.


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