Page 9 - Program ver1_Neat
P. 9
28.05.1938 11.07.2022
People: Hear our prayer
Priest: Grant that all those who have been saved by the death and
resurrection of Christ, may die to sin and rise to newness of life and
through Your grace may pass through the gate of death to Your joyful
Lord in Your mercy
People: Hear our prayer
Priest: Grant to us who are still on our pilgrimage, and who walk as yet
by faith, that Your Holy Spirit may lead us in holiness and righteousness
all the days of our life.
Lord in Your mercy
People: Hear our prayer
Priest: Grant to those who mourn, especially for the family of our sister
Abimbola Olayinka a sure confidence in Your Fatherly care, that casting
all their grief on You, they may know the consolation of Your love
Lord in Your mercy
People: Hear our prayer
Priest: Help we pray, in the midst of things we cannot understand, to
believe and trust in the communion of saints, and forgiveness of sins,
and the resurrection of life everlasting
Lord in Your mercy
People: Hear our prayer
Priest: Grant us grace to entrust Abimbola Olayinka into Your unfailing
love; receive her into the arms of Your mercy and remember her
according to the favour which You have for Your children.
Lord in your mercy
People: Hear our prayer
Priest: Grant that, increasing in knowledge and love of You, we may
grow from strength to strength in the life of perfect service in Your
heavenly Kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord.
People: Amen