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I battled with candida yeast infection for years. Just like you, I have experienced all the
              painful, annoying and embarrassing symptoms associated with candida infection: burning,
              constant  itching,  discharge,  rashes,  occasional  trips  to  the  doctor  and  taking  myriad  of
              prescription medications and over the counters that showed little to no results.

              After  I  was  diagnosed  with  systemic  candida  yeast  infection  and  realizing  many  of  my
              other conditions such as sinus problems, cravings for sugary foods and constant lack of
              energy were all coming from the same source- candida albicans overgrowth, I had started
              the  long,  frustrating  road  of  trial  and  error  until  I  have  finally  pieced  a  complete  and
              comprehensive  holistic  system  used  by  thousands  of  yeast  infection  sufferers  to
              permanently treat the cause of yeast infection, including myself.

              Since Yeast Infection No More was first published in 2004, approx 138,000 people around
              the  globe  had  used  the  techniques  within  the  book  and  had  completely  changed  their

                     12 Years of Study, Research, Trial, Error and


              From the age of 31 I became obsessed with the subjects of holistic health and nutrition. I
              wanted to know everything there was to know on how to treat Yeast Infection and prevent
              it permanently - I've been absolutely consumed by this quest. So I started studying - and
              hard! I bought every book on dermatology, skin disorders, hormonal production, detoxing,
              dieting, and nutrition that I could get my hands on.

              I use to spend hours at the library swallowing stacks of books, journals and magazines
              about  holistic  health,  skin  disorders,  Candida,  allergies,  heartburn,  thrush  and  nutrition
              and reading every word. I have literally read hundreds of medicine books from cover to
              cover. My library quickly grew to over 280 health and nutrition books and I had read every
              word almost to the point of memorizing them.

              But  I  didn't  just  read.  I  interviewed  countless  of  other  Yeast  Infection  sufferers  and
              endlessly picked the brains of every doctor, herbalist, homeopath and naturopath...kind
              enough to lend me minutes of their time and fragments of their expertise and knowledge
              only to find a solid solution to my severe candida Yeast Infection...

                                             I Tried Everything!

              Book knowledge and interviews are one thing, but it's not the same as knowledge from
              actual experience. Scientific facts, figures and theories weren't enough.
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