Page 14 - Yeast Infection No More E-Book Linda Allen PDF Download (Free DOC)
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I have also tried every Yeast Infection treatment known to science and natural health with
              conviction, desire and hope that it will make a difference and that it will finally eliminate
              my Yeast Infection and bring me my life back.

              Over the years I have spent a small fortune trying every type of product and treatment
              you  can  think  of.  I  have  tried:  herbal  remedies,  Threelac,  tinctures,  Cellfood  Oxygen,
              tonics, detox diets, vitamin therapy, Antibiotics, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, macrobiotics,
              reflexology, Chinese Medicine, vegetarianism, the Wai diet, magnetic therapy, the mucus-
              less  diet,  the  blood  type  diet  and  what  not.  I  even  went  on  a  very  strict  anti-Candida
              infection diet for weeks and weeks. It was very limiting and had its benefits but as soon as
              I ended the diet my Candida yeast overgrowth came back with a vengeance!

                  Yet I Still Suffered From Severe Yeast Infection!

              The  vast  majority  of  the  above  treatments  and  so  called  cures  either  made  my  Yeast
              Infection condition worse, worked only short term or simply didn't have any effect what
              so ever on my candida infection condition.

              Moreover,  most  books  on  Candida  yeast  infection  had  either  recommended  taking  a
              product  to  kill  the  Candida  (which  is  hardly  effective  since  candida  is  a  complex
              environmental condition) or offered partial dietary advice along with vitamins and special
              herbal supplements. These approaches don't work either! I know because I tried them all
              and I still suffered from severe candida yeast infection.

              I  realized  the  hard  way,  that  there  were  no  magic  pills  or  fix-it-all  products  to  Candida
              yeast infection. It may work temporarily on the symptoms, but the candida yeast will still
              be there and the infection will come back very quickly.

                        Now, 12 Painful Years and Thousands of

                   Diligent Work Hours Later, The Candida Yeast

                           Infection Puzzle Was Finally Solved...

              Once I understood that a real treatment could only be experienced if the real underline
              cause,  the  correct  circumstances  that  promote  the  growth  of  candida  and  the  exact
              source  of  candida  in  the  body  were  dealt  with,  I  began  to  realize  the  importance  of
              treating the entire body from the inside outward.

              I began to gather information about any (and every) yeast therapy I could find. It didn’t
              matter if one person or 100,000 people said it worked for them; I documented it and gave
              it a try. With each new remedy I would write down how it worked, any side effects that
              resulted and any other information that I deemed important. Hundreds of therapies later I
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