Page 19 - Yeast Infection No More E-Book Linda Allen PDF Download (Free DOC)
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As  already  mentioned  earlier,  while  candida  yeast  infection  manifests  in  a  myriad  of
              external, internal or emotional symptoms, the deep rooted cause of these symptoms is
              not  a  problem  with  the  skin,  muscle  or  intimate  parts-  it's  a  systematic  problem  that
              concerns your whole body. When Candida shifts from non-pathogenic to pathogenic form,
              it can send its spores to settle in almost every organ in your body causing damage and
              yeast infection symptoms within or in the area of that organ (lungs, sinuses, skin, mouth,
              vagina, lymphatic system, esophagus, toenails). The human body often fails to kill the
              spores and there are no drugs that can help you tackle and eliminate the spores.
              Unless you treat your yeast infection as a dangerous systematic problem, you are most
              likely to develop much more serious conditions in the future.

              The moment you understand that simple fact and handle your candida yeast infections
              correctly and in a timely manner, you can literally control and eliminate almost all types of
              yeast infections simply, easily and safely. My program shows you EXACTLY to utilize this

              2. Diet, Anti Fungals or Probiotics Alone Cannot Cure Candida Infection

              While  diet  is  an  important  factor  for  tackling  candida  yeast  infections,  it's  definitely  not
              enough to overcome such a deep rooted condition. Diet does not eliminate the cause of
              candida infection and the same goes for anti-fungals such as oregano oil or olive leaf.
              Anti-fungals  may  kill  the  candida  in  your  intestines  but  because  this  treatment  fails  to
              address the REAL cause of the yeast overgrowth, you will still experience yeast infections
              after a while. Taking probiotics will yield the same temporary effect. Moreover, in order to
              fully control candida infection you have to know which anti-fungals to take, for how long,
              how much and when to take them. You also have to know which probiotic to take and
              when and this is just a small piece of the puzzle.

              The Yeast Infection No More program is a unique, accurate and powerful set of protocols
              to  overcome  the  yeast  infections  and  set  the  road  to  freedom  from  this  debilitating

              WARNING: Yeast Infection Drugs Don't Work In The

                           Long Run and Can Have Serious Side


              The most common class of yeast infection drugs include:
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