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work with your internal system, not against it by fixing the root cause!

                 WARNING: Candida Yeast Infection Can Be Very

                                    Dangerous If Left Untreated

              Candida Albicans overgrowth can be very dangerous: When Candida shifts from non-
              pathogenic  to  pathogenic  form,  it  produces  root-like  structures  called  rhizoids,  that
              penetrate the intestinal walls and create holes in the walls of the intestines.

              This  enables  the  yeast,  toxic  waste,  bacteria  and  undigested  food  to  enter  the
              blood stream  causing  many  unpleasant  and  often  dangerous  conditions  such  as:
              leaky  gut  syndrome,  severe  rashes,  brain  fog,  acid  reflux,  memory  loss,  joint  pain  and
              severe inflammation and yeast in the sinuses and lungs.

              When  candida  becomes  systemic  it  can  virtually  penetrate  and  manifest  itself
              within every organ it settles in. It can be the lungs, sinuses, mouth, vagina, lymphatic
              system, esophagus, toenails, brain and the urinary tract. That is why yeast infection is so
              dangerous when left untreated.

              It is also a well known fact that candida yeast produce (as a waste product) more than
              75  toxic  substances  that  poison  the  human  body. The  two  major  toxins  (canditoxin
              and ethanol) have a negative effect on our brain and can significantly interfere with our
              biochemical  processes.  Note  that  Canditoxin  and  Ethanol  that  are  released  into  your
              blood stream are the SAME dangerous toxins that when injected into rats, had caused
              paralysis of the limbs and ultimately death.

              In humans Canditoxin and Ethanol cause a myriad of health problems: vaginal yeast
              infection,  dry  itchy  skin,  oral  thrush,  skin  rashes,  eczema,  joint  pain,  stomach  bloating,
              chronic  diarrhea,  arthritis,  constipation,  heartburn,  blisters  in  the  mouth,  restless  sleep,
              lack of energy, brain fog, chronic sinus problems, jumpy legs, headaches, blurred vision,
              mood  swings,  sugary  food  cravings,  food  allergies,  jock  and  rectal  itching,  body  chills,
              athlete's foot, etc.

                   Yeast Infection Is A Message From Your Body

                        Telling You Something Is WRONG Inside
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