Page 34 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 34
Basic Techniques
is particularly helpfui when using fine lay and collapse when you are unlaying
line, especially with some of the plaits. the rope. If the strand starts to break
Securing a bundle with a couple of half down, a gentle twist will help to put the
hitches or rubber bands will make lay back in the strand. You can use this
things easier. same technique if the rope becomes
Where a knot or splice calls for the unlaid by mistake. Twisting the strand
use of the actual strands of a three or will help put back that kink of rope that
four-strand rope, it will help if the ends is needed for it to fit together with its
of the strands are whipped or taped. It fellow strand. This is very much the
can also help if the ends are finished technique used in making the long
with different colours to help identify splice and the grommet.
which is which. Take as much care as When you have made a splice as
possible that the strand does not lose its well as you can, with all the strands
sitting well, the whole splice
may be rolled underfoot to
make it rounder still. When
you cut the ends of a splice do
not cut them too close as the
first pull on the splice may
cause the ends to pop out. It is
far better to have the ends a
Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
little on the long side.
Eventually they will wear
Left: A bundle held with half hitches
(left) and one held by rubber bands.
Top Right: Cut ends.
Right: Laying a strand back.
Far Right: Rolling a splice underfoot.