P. 15
What our clients had
to say about Team
Mary helped me navigate
through 1st time buying and Mary sold our home in 11 days!
selling with ease. She was She gave us very helpful
available to answer many suggestions to appeal to the
questions and walked me right buyer. She goes above
through all the steps. I would and beyond and always had our
highly recommend her to your best interest in mind. Overall,
real estate needs. great reatlor!
-Ann D. -Dan and Carrie D.
Mary is truly an AMAZING Realtor! We've had the pleasure of using her services when
we bought and also sold our properties. Mary has been sincere and helpful from
beginning to end. She's given us her honest opinion numerous times which helped us
make some good informative decisions. She also has a long list of great contractors who
were super reasonably priced and did great work on sprucing up and repairing our last
home before listing. As a matter-of-fact, she is so good at her job that she helped us
sell that home in 1 day! Mary has been exceptionally professional in every direction yet
very personable! She is a very talented and honest person who would go miles to make
things happen for her clients. Thanks, Mary
-George and Jennifer Z.