P. 17


                                                                                 All of your questions

                                                              w h e n   i s   t h e   b e s t   t i m e   o f   t h e

                                                              y e a r   t o   s e l l   m y   l a k e   h o m e ?

                                                       After  researching  the  sales  price  and
                                                       days       on      market         for      selling       in
                                                       Fall/Winter  vs  Spring/Summer,  there
                                                       wasn't a noticeable difference.

                                                                   i s   t h e   l a k e   h o m e   m a r k e t

                                                                     d i f f e r e n t   f r o m   o t h e r

                                                                               m a r k e t s ?
                                                        In  my  opinion,  yes.    There's  only  so
                                                        much  water  in  Indiana,  right?    Lake

                                                        home  buyers  are  focused  on  finding
                                                        the  right  lake  &  home.    The  lack  of
                                                        inventory          for      waterfront          homes,
                                                        drives the demand.

                                                                c a n   i   s e l l   m y   h o m e   a s - i s ?

                                                         You  always  have  that  option,  but  some
                                                         buyers  may  not  be  interested  in
                                                         seeing  your  home  for  fear  of  any
                                                         costly  repairs  to  take  on.    With  the
                                                         Certified  Pre-Owned  program,  the  4
                                                         point  inspection  will  provide  you  with
                                                         any        red       flags/concerns              before

                                                         accepting  an  offer.    You  will  have  the
                                                         opportunity  to  make  major  repairs  or
                                                         price       the      home         accordingly           to
                                                         accommodate for the repair costs.
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