Page 4 - 2022 HL Handbook
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               Heritage Lake POA                                                765-386-7447
               1000 Clubhouse                                         
               Coatesville, IN 46121                                  
                              Monday thru Thursday:  8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
                              Friday & Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to Noon
               March & April only: Office will close at 5:00 p.m. from Monday thru Thursday

                           The HLPOA Office will be closed on the following days in 2022:
                           May 30, July 4, Sept. 5, Nov. 24 & 25, Dec. 23-31& Jan. 1, 2023

                                                  HLPOA WEBSITE
               Our website is  If you would like to receive
               important email notifications and access the HLPOA’s website for meeting dates,
               events, rules, user fees, electronic voting opportunities, important documents,
               Heritage Lake Highlights, etc., please submit your name, address, lot number,
               phone number and email address to or visit the website, select
               “Information” on click on “Contact Us”.  Complete the form and an access code
               will be emailed to you.  Please check your spam box.

                                              ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS
               The annual assessments are due April 1 .  The assessment for each lot for 2022 is
               $271.00.  Please contact the HLPA Office if you haven’t received your assessment
               notice by mid February.

               Payment arrangements for assessments
               If it is necessary to make payment arrangements, please call the office at 765-386-
               7447.  Unpaid dues are turned over to the attorney for collections the first week of
               August, adding additional costs to your account.  The HLPOA office also accepts
               credit cards:  Visa, MasterCard, Discover & American Express with a 2% fee (no
               fee for debit cards).

                                               MEMBERSHIP CARDS
               Once your assessment is paid in full, a membership card is issued.  Your card(s)
               may be picked up at the HLPOA office during regular business hours or sent to
               you by return mail in a self-address, stamped envelope.  Please carry this card with
               you at all times.

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