Page 5 - 2022 HL Handbook
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Welcome to Heritage Lake; we look forward to meeting you. Please come to the
HLPOA office for registration. Annual Maintenance Assessments are due April 1
of each year. These assessments are used to maintain and improve: all common
areas, facilities, lake, ponds, 3 party labor costs, equipment, materials, taxes,
insurance, and management related to the use and enjoyment of the members and
their guests. Our Board of Directors is comprised of 9 owners/members who are
responsible for oversight and governance of the management of the community in
compliance with the covenants, bylaws and rules.
HLPOA members may call the Heritage Lake POA office at 765-384-7447 and
select option 7 to access the voicemail of the HLPOA’s security officer and leave a
confidential message. This mailbox is used to report suspicious activity,
information about a recent incident, etc. If may also be used to alert our security
office that you will be going on vacation. Voicemail messages are only retrieved
by the Heritage Lake Security Officer.
The ETMS is a texting system that will notify you of any emergency situation, lake
status, and/or important announcement. This system is for emergency information
only and not used for social/event updates. Sign up is a simple process and you
must “opt in” every year to ensure you are still a resident of Heritage Lake and/or
you want to remain on the list. Find the sign up information at
The 2022 Rule Booklets will be available at the HLPOA Office and Marina. You
may also view them online on the POA website, found under the documents of the
information tab.
w w w . H e r i t a g e L a k e L i f e . c o m Page 5