Page 100 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
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Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of assigned directors appointed from the Board of Directors’ meeting to serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee member, including executives and department managers responsible for screening policies, directions and strategies for business operations, management structure, business plans, and annual budgets. The Executive Committee also monitors and oversees strategic plans and the annual business plan approved by the Board of Directors meeting, as well as financial performance, risk management, and other issues as assigned by the Board of Directors.
Executive duties and responsibilities
1. Manage the Company and its subsidiaries’ business according to the objectives, regulations, policies, regulations, requirements, orders, and resolutions of the Board of Directors’ meetings.
2. Set policies, goals, and strategies for business operations, including operational plans, annual budget, and various administration of the Company and its subsidiaries in collaboration with the management to propose to the Board of Directors for approval.
3. Consider and approve the organizational structure down from the director level.
4. Control and supervise the business operations of the Company and subsidiaries in accordance with policies, goals, and strategies in business operations, including operational plan, and annual budget approved by the
Board of Directors, in line with giving advice and recommendations on management to senior executives.
5. Consider the annual budget and steps of budget spending before proposing to the Board of Directors for
approval, as well as supervising the budget spending approved by the Board of Directors.
6. Study the feasibility of investment in new projects, with the authority to consider and approve the Company and its subsidiaries’ investment or joint investment with individuals, juristic persons, or any other business organizations in the form that the Executive Committee deems appropriate for business operations according to the Company and its subsidiaries’ objectives. Also, consider and approve the budget spending for such investment, as well as having a legal contract and/or other related operations until completion according to the financial limits as specified in the regulations for authorization and operations (LOA) approved by the Board of Directors and/or relevant laws and regulations and/or the Company and its subsidiaries’ regulations.
7. Track the performance and progress of investment projects of each business and report the results, including
any problems or obstacles and guidelines for improvement to the Board of Directors.
8. Approve financial transactions with financial institutions for borrowing, applying for loans, pawning, mortgages, guarantees, and others, including trading and registering ownership of lands to benefit the Company and its subsidiaries’ operations. These transactions must be in line with legal contracts, requests, proposals, and legal transactions with government agencies to obtain the Company’s and its subsidiaries’ rights. This also includes borrowing and lending with subsidiaries and associated companies and/or any related operations until completion in accordance with financial limits specified in the regulations for authorization and operations (LOA) approved by the Board of Directors and/or relevant laws and regulations and/or the Company and its subsidiaries’ regulations. However, these operations must be under the Notification of the Board of the Stock Exchange of Thailand board, the SEC, the Capital Market Supervisory Board, or any other laws in related

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