Page 99 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 99
Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
4.3 TheBoardofDirectorsshallprovidesupportinvariousareasfortheAuditCommitteetosuccessfully perform its duties, such as hiring independent experts in giving opinions on the specific MT & RPT programs.
4.4 InquireandtracktheprogresswithmanagementofsuchMT&RPTtransactionsandinvestment, including the preparation for the Company to regularly disclose and report on the progress to shareholders as appropriate.
4.5 MonitorMT&RPTtransactionstogetherwithotherinformationforunusualeventsinoveralltoprevent the use of disclosed information as a channel to manipulate the share prices of a listed company for the benefit of any specific groups.
5. Follow-up on the use of raised funds to meet the disclosed objectives
5.1 Considerthedetailsrelatedtotheuseofraisedfundsandrequirethemanagementtothoroughlystudy
economic conditions and industry growth trends of businesses which use the Company’s raised funds in a bid to prevent any events when the investments are unlikely in projects or businesses in which the listed companies have already raised funds.
5.2 Ensurethecompanyhasamechanismformonitoringandfollowingtheuseofraisedfundsinaccordance with disclosed objectives. This should include an internal control system for the disbursement of funds that is transparent and auditable. This will help to prevent the company from using funds inappropriately and not in compliance with the objectives, which could lead to damages to the company and its shareholders.
6. Preparation of the Audit Committee’s report and consideration of other issues
Prepare a report of the Audit Committee and disclose it in the Company’s annual report. The report must be signed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee and contain at least the following information:
(1) Opinionsontheaccuracy,completeness,andreliabilityoftheCompany’sfinancialreports
(2) Opinions on the adequacy of internal control system and the effectiveness of the Company’s
risk management
(3) Opinionsonthecompliancewiththelawsandregulationsofsecuritiesandstockexchangewhichrelated
to the Company’s business
(4) Opinionsonthesuitabilityofauditors
(5) Opinionsonissuesanditemswhichmayhaveconflictsofinterest
(6) NumberoftheAuditCommittee’smeetingsandtheattendanceofmeetingsofeachAuditCommittee
(7) OpinionsreceivedbytheAuditCommitteefromperformingtheirdutiesinaccordancewiththeCharter
(8) Otheritemsandissueswhichshareholdersandgeneralinvestorsshouldknowwithinthescopeofduties
and responsibilities assigned by the Board of Directors
7. Consider and review the Audit Committee Charter as appropriate and present to the Board of Directors for
further consideration and approval.
8. Consider and evaluate the performance of the Audit Committee in person as a group and individually on an
annual basis.
9. Perform any other operations as assigned by the Board of Directors with the approval from the Audit Committee