Page 98 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 98
Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
2.2 Ensurethatthemanagementpreparesfinancialstatementswithaccuracyandtransparencyindisclosure to investors within the time frame specified by regulations. Supervise and track the management to ensure that auditors and the Audit Committee have sufficient time to audit the Company’s financial statements.
2.3 Communicateregularlywiththemanagement,especiallythosehavingthehighestresponsibilityforthe Company’s accounting and finance in a bid to inform and have guidelines for handling any key issues, events or changes in a timely manner to avoid significant impacts to the Company’s financial position and operating results.
2.4 Whenreceivingareportfromtheauditorsoranyissuesonthefinancialstatements,itisnecessaryto urgently inquire on the causes and extent of auditing from relevant individuals, such as auditors and those with the highest responsibility for the Company’s accounting and finance.
2.5 ReviewtheconsistencyofinformationintheCompany’sfinancialreportswithotherrelatedinformation on the Company’s financial position and operating results which has been communicated to investors or relevant individuals.
2.6 Improvetheknowledgeandunderstandingonaccountingorfinancetobeuptodatewithanychanges and perform duties as a member of the Audit Committee with more efficiency.
3. Compliance with Section 89/25 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992)
3.1 MonitorthesignificanceandrisksofanyissuestotheCompanyandinvestors,aswellasexpediting the Company’s disclosure of preliminary information to investors in case of any suspicious impacts of such situations which may significantly affect the rights of shareholders or other issues that shareholders
should be immediately informed of.
3.2 Investigatethosewhomaybeinvolvedinsuchrisks.IftheyaretheCompany’sdirectorsandexecutives,
the Audit Committee must inspect the audit independence to ensure that it is not under the control of
those involved in suspicious behaviors.
3.3 Establishmeasuresorguidelinestostopsuspiciousbehaviorsandmitigateanyimpactswhichmay
occur on both the Company and shareholders.
3.4 SetupmeasurestoupgradetheCompany’sinternalcontrolsysteminabidtomanageandprevent
those suspicious behaviors in the future.
4. Surveillance and follow the transactions for acquisition or disposal of assets with significant value (“MT”)
and transactions with related persons (“RPT”) of the Company.
4.1 ParticipateinconsideringandgivingopinionsonsignificantMT&RPTtransactionswhichrequire
approval from the Board of Directors or shareholders’ meetings, especially in the cases with frequent MT & RPT transactions, transactions abroad, change of main business, and new business expansion, including additional business policies, investment plans, and liquidity.
4.2 ProvideasystemorprocessformanagementtoauthorizeapprovalofMT&RPTtransactions,along with continuous analysis of transaction reasonability, as well as further consideration of project characteristics and transactions that may indicate an intention to avoid the rules for MT & RPT transactions.