Page 120 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 120

Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    Consecutive Terms of Office of Independent Directors
Independent directors number at least one-third of the total number of directors and at least three directors who can serve no more than three consecutive terms of office or no more than nine years.
Determining the Number of Registered Companies in which the Company’s Directors Will Serve as Directors
The Board of Directors has policy to establish criteria for holding positions in other listed companies of directors to not exceed 5 positions in order to ensure that directors can devote sufficient time to performing their duties in the Company and provide a system for reporting other positions of directors and disclosing them to be acknowledged.
Development of Directors and Executives
The Company gives importance to and encourages directors and executives to engage in continuous training and development of knowledge, particularly in courses organized by external organizations such as the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Thai Institute of Directors to help directors perform their duties and govern the company’s business effectively. The Company further promotes participation in various courses with a variety of institutions, such as the Chairman Course, the Director Accreditation Program (DAP), and the Director Certification Program (DCP) of the Thai Institute of Directors. (IOD), a basic course required for the Audit Committee. The new knowledge courses organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and other professional institutions with the following directors and/or Excutive attending training in 2023:
 List of Directors & Executives
Training Courses
Mrs. Jira Chamnandet
Key Principles of Business Combination and Consideration of Impairment of Goodwill and Assets Generating Cash, Federation of Accounting Professions Under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King
Case Study for Pack 5 & Fair Value Class 1/66, Federation of Accounting Professions Under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King
Summary of Changes and Key Issues of TFRS (Revised Edition 2022) Class 2/66, Federation of Accounting Professions Under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King
In-Depth Understanding of Ethics, Part 1 (Sections 360, 520, 522, 523, 524, and 600), Federation of Accounting Professions Under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King
Facebook Live: Data Analytics in Actions: Enhancing Digital Era Accountants’ Capabilities through Strategic Data Utilization
Specialized training program for listed company executives with the topic “Techniques for Assessing Company Valuation Suitable for the Current Business Environment”
Course on “Integrated Organizational Risk Management according to COSO-ERM Guidelines”
Participated in the TLCA CFO Professional Development Program (TLCA CFO CPD) 2nd/2023 session on the topic “Risk Management for CFOs”
Attended the TLCA CFO Professional Development Program (TLCA CFO CPD) 6th/2023 session on the topic “What is the future of the CFO role?”
Online seminar on the topic “Preparing Reports on Conflicts of Interest and Internal Data Usage Policies”

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