Page 121 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 121

Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
    Orientation of Newly Appointed Directors
The Company schedules orientation for all new directors who take up positions in the Company in order to build knowledge and understanding of the Company’s business and operations.
In addition, if newly appointed directors have not received an orientation course on the performance of their duties, the newly appointed directors will be provided with the necessary training courses to perform the duties of Company directors with the Company Secretary as the coordinator in tasks such as providing important information about the Company, articles of association stating the scope of powers and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, as well as information on legal, regulatory and conditional aspects in order to prepare for the performance of the duties of the directors.
Evaluation of the Performance of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors has determined that the performance of the board’s duties be evaluated by the Sub- Committee at least once a year, using the Stock Exchange of Thailand’s self-assessment form as a guideline to be used as a framework for regularly monitoring the performance of the duties of the Board of Directors in order for the Board of Directors to jointly consider the work and problems for improvement, to make the work of the Board of Directors more effective and to disclose the results of the assessment in the Annual Registration Statement/Annual Report, which is divided as follows:
1) Theself-assessmentformoftheBoardofDirectors(entireboard)isusedtoevaluatetheworkoftheBoard of Directors as a whole by dividing the assessment into 6 main topics according to the Stock Exchange of Thailand guidelines as follows:
1.1 StructureandQualificationsoftheBoardofDirectors
1.2 Roles/Duties/ResponsibilitiesoftheBoardofDirectors 1.3 BoardofDirectors’Meetings
1.4 PerformanceofDirectors’Duties
1.5 RelationshipwithManagement
1.6 Self-developmentofDirectorsandExecutiveDevelopment
In the year 2023, the performance assessment results of the entire board of directors stand at 90 percent.
2) The self-assessment form of the sub-committee (entire committee) is used by the Audit Committee, The
Nomination and Remuneration Committee, The Risk Management Committee, The Executive Committee to evaluate the work of the board of directors assigned by the board of directors.
The following three main topics are assessed in accordance with the Stock Exchange of Thailand guidelines: 2.1 StructureandQualificationsoftheBoardofDirectors
2.2 Roles/Duties/ResponsibilitiesoftheBoardofDirectors
2.3 BoardofDirectors’Meetings
In the year 2023, the performance assessment results of the entire subcommittees are detailed as follows:
Audit Committee: 89 percent
Nomination and Remuneration Committee: 91 percent Risk Management Committee: 87 percent
Executive Committee: 84 percent

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