Page 122 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 122
Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
3) Theself-assessmentformoftheBoardofDirectors(individual)isusedtoassesstheproperfunctioningof the directors. The assessment is divided into the following 3 main topics in accordance with the Stock Exchange of Thailand guidelines:
3.1 StructureandQualificationsoftheBoardofDirectors
3.2 Roles/Duties/ResponsibilitiesoftheBoardofDirectors
3.3 BoardofDirectors’Meetings
In the year 2023, the individual performance assessment results of the board of directors stand at 90 percent. 4) The self-assessment questionnaire for the subcommittees (individual) of the board includes the Audit
Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Risk Management Committee, and Executive Committee, aiming to evaluate the appropriateness of individual director performance. The assessment is categorized into three main topics following the guidelines of the Stock Exchange of Thailand:
4.1 BoardStructureandQualificationsofDirectors
4.2 Roles/Duties/ResponsibilitiesoftheBoard
4.3 BoardMeetings
In the year 2023, the performance assessment results of the individual subcommittees are detailed as follows:
Audit Committee: 97 percent
Nomination and Remuneration Committee: 98 percent Risk Management Committee: 96 percent
Executive Committee: 84 percent
Processes and Criteria for Evaluating the Performance of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors approves and reviews the assessment form to ensure accuracy, completeness and compliance with the criteria. The Company Secretary will submit the performance assessment form of the Board of Directors to all board members to evaluate annual performance on both a collective and individual basis by early December of each year. After each committee’s assessment had been completed, the assessment form will be returned to the Company Secretary to collect the assessment scores of each director and summarize the results of the assessment of the Board of Directors’ performance over the year and report to the Board of Directors for consideration in order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives. The board’s self-assessment questionnaire instructs each director to respond and submit to the Company Secretary who will summarize and present the results of the assessment to the Board of Directors’ meeting in order to use the assessment results to determine the suitability of the board composition and review the work problems and obstacles during the past year that have helped make the work of the Board of Directors more productive. It also improves the relationship between the Board of Directors and management.
Performance of the Board of Directors.
The results of the assessment for 2023 show the performance scores of the Board of Directors as a whole and the performance of the Sub-Committee, as well as the performance of individual directors to be at an excellent level. The Board of Directors at Meeting 2/2024 on 29 February 2024 considered and discussed the observations
and recommendations regarding the results of this assessment for further improvement.