Page 127 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 127

Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
    2) PolicyonPreventingtheUseofCompany’sInsideInformationforSecuritiesTrading
Employees must not utilize significant inside information of the Company that has not been disclosed to the public for their own benefit or the benefit of others. Employees have the freedom to invest in the Company’s securities, but to prevent conflicts of interest, this should be done during the 30-day period before the disclosure of the quarterly and annual financial statements of the Company. This restriction also applies for a minimum of 24 hours after the Company’s inside information has been publicly disclosed.
Nevertheless, the Company also has a policy requiring directors and senior executives to report to the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board, or the Company Secretary about the purchase of Company shares at least 1 day in advance before executing the trade.
In 2023, the Company conducted training sessions to educate directors, executives, and employees about preventing the misuse of inside information for unauthorized benefits and avoiding conflicts of interest. The Company has not identified any instances where directors, executives, or employees have utilized inside information for personal gain or the benefit of others.
3) CompanyAssetandResourceManagement
Employees have duties and responsibilities to oversee and manage the use of the Company’s assets for the utmost benefit of the Company, refraining from utilizing them for personal gain or the benefit of others. The Company has a policy to generate business documents, maintain financial and accounting records, and compile financial reports with integrity, timeliness, accuracy, and completeness, in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and generally accepted accounting standards.
Employees must control confidential information appropriately and must not communicate significant undisclosed information to the public. This includes communicating information known from work duties to other departments and external individuals who do not need to be informed of such information. Employees have a responsibility to use their best efforts to prevent the disclosure of such confidential information.
4) InformationTechnologyManagement
The Board of Directors establishes a framework to oversee and manage information technology at the organizational level that aligns with the business’s requirements. This includes ensuring the use of information technology to enhance business opportunities, operational development, and risk management to ensure that the organization can achieve its objectives and primary goals.
(1) The Board of Directors shall establish policies for the allocation and management of information technology resources, with the intention of allocating resources sufficiently for business operations and providing guidelines to accommodate situations where resources cannot be allocated as specified.
(2) The Board of Directors shall oversee the risk management of the organization, encompassing the management and handling of risks related to information technology.
(3) The Board of Directors shall establish policies and measures to maintain the security of information systems.

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