Page 129 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 129

Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
    or concealment of information to encourage fraud or illegal, immoral, and business ethics, including violation of the principles and practices of good corporate governance policy and exposure to operational unfairness.
7.2 Complainantsorwhistleblowersofwrongdoingcanreportcomplaintsandcorruptionthroughthe following channels as they deem fitting:
Notify the supervisor directly in charge (from manager level and up).
Send an e-mail to the Chairman of the Audit Committee (who is an independent director) at:
Send a letter to the Chairman of the Audit Committee (who is an independent director) or the Company Secretary at one of the following addresses.
e-mail: or
Post: Chairman of the Audit Committee or Company Secretary
Power Solutions Technology Public Company Limited Head Office PSTC Building 389 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road
Samsen Nai, Phaya Thai, Bangkok 10400
7.3 In cases involving matters relating to directors and executives, the matter will be communicated directly to the Chairman of the Audit Committee. Note: The Company will investigate complaints based on credible facts. However, whistleblowers or complaints should be aware that dishonest reporting or anonymous reporting may limit the Company’s scrutiny of the facts.
7.4 ComplainantsoftheCompanyanditsaffiliatesshouldsubmitcomplaintsorreportevidenceof wrongdoing and fraud through the channels specified by the Company. However, if you an inappropriate situation or are uncomfortable to report through the Company’s channels, the Company be notified by the channels specified in Clause 7.2 - 7.3
7.5 Complainantsshouldfillinthereportformforwrongdoingandcorruptionascompletelyaspossible, so it can be used for fact-finding, specifying information such as the person concerned, the nature anddetailsoftheevent,datesandotherinformation. Inaddition,complainantsshoulddisclosetheir name, address or other contact channels, so the Company can ask for more information. Nevertheless, complainants can choose whether to disclose or not disclose their own names.
7.6 Concerningexecutivesandemployeeswhohavefiledcomplaintsandreportedmisconductor corruption in good faith, even if the Company subsequently conducts an investigation and finds no wrongdoing as stated in the complaint, the Company will not take any sanctions against executives and employees who report such complaints or clues.
However, if the results of the investigation reveal that the complaint was filed with malicious intent or deliberately produced harmful results or provided false information, the Company will consider disciplinary action against executives and employees in accordance with work regulations, which include penalties ranging from verbal or written warnings for suspensions to dismissal from employment, as well as legal proceedings.

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