Page 130 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
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Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    8) ProtectionofWhistleblowersandWrongdoing
8.1 TheCompanywillprovideprotectionandwillnottolerateintimidationorharassmentofwhistleblowers who have filed complaints or reported misconduct and corruption, as well as those who cooperate or assist in investigations with good faith.
8.2 Intheeventthatanemployeeisintimidated,harassed,orhindered,immediatelynotifythesupervisor directly or the Company Secretary or head of the Human Resources Department to proceed with appropriate protection, depending on the level of seriousness and significance of the complaint.
8.3 TheCompany’sexecutivesoremployeesareprohibitedfromdismissingorimposingdisciplinary action on employees or threatening to take actions based on complaints or misconduct and corruption. Anyone who engages in the above actions will be disciplined.
8.2 Report on the Audit Committee’s Performance of Duties over the Past Year
The Audit Committee consists of three independent directors. The composition and qualifications of the Audit Committee are in accordance with the criteria of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Securities and Exchange Commission Board, Corporate Governance Policy and the Charter of the Audit Committee. Two Audit Committee members, Vorapong Jamjod and Mr. Tanadit Charoenchan, have degrees in accounting and experience in accounting and finance, as well as having knowledge and understanding of the Company’s business.
In 2023, the Audit Committee held 5 meetings, regularly reporting the results of its duties to the Board of Directors, including reporting on the performance of duties over the past year.
No. of Meetings Attended
Dr. Sakul Pochanart
Mr. Vorapong Jamjod Mr. Tanadit Charoenchan
Chairman of Audit Committee /Independent Director 5/5 Audit Committee/Independent Director 5/5 Audit Committee/Independent Director 5/5
         The Audit Committee’s report appears in Attachment 6 of this Annual Information Form (Form 56-1 One Report).

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