Page 128 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 128

Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    5) Anti-CorruptionPolicy
The Board of Directors shall oversee the development of clear and communicative policies and practices in the area of anti-corruption throughout all levels of the organization and external entities, facilitating effective implementation.
The Board of Directors shall establish projects or guidelines to counter corporate corruption, and support activities that encourage and instill compliance with relevant laws and regulations among all employees.
In 2023, the Company conducted the following main anti-corruption activities:
Training of new employees to communicate to the employees understanding of anti-corruption policies and measures with emphasis on whistleblowing channels for employees at the operational level.
Monitoring and reporting fraud and corruption risks to the Audit Committee and identifying the causes in detail, so the management can take more appropriate preventive actions.
The company joined the Private Coalition Against Corruption program and was certified as a member on 18 May 2018. In 2021, the Company passed the certification process and became a member of the Thai Private Sector Action Coalition against Corruption in the CAC project for the second consecutive time.
    6) ComplaintReceptionandWhistleblowing
The Board of Directors shall oversee the establishment of a mechanism for receiving complaints and handling cases involving whistleblowing, defining clear guidelines in the Whistleblowing and Grievance Policy, which includes:
The scope of whistleblowing
Procedures for providing information, conducting investigations, and imposing penalties Protection measures for whistleblowers, data storage, and confidentiality maintenance Channels for lodging complaints and whistleblowing, including multiple avenues
The Company shall ensure the disclosure of the complaint reception channels on its website or in annual reports. In the year 2023, the Company did not receive any whistleblowing or complaints from any individual.
7) ScopeofWhistleblowing,MisconductandCorruption
7.1 ActsofcorruptioneitherdirectlyorindirectlyrelatedtotheCompany,includewitnessingindividuals in the Company giving/accepting bribes involving officials of government agencies, state enterprises, or private entities, embezzlement, corruption, fraud, etc., violation of procedures in accordance with the company’s regulations, which leads to suspicion of a potential channel of fraud abuse of authority to for personal gain or the gain of others, discovery of destruction of documents, misrepresentation

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