Page 25 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 25

Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
      B. Competitors and Competition Conditions
Concerning competition in the liquefied petroleum gas distribution business, the number of major traders in the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) distribution business pursuant to Article 7 is limited due to requirements to receive a license for business operations as a liquefied petroleum trader. Currently, there are a total of 13 traders. The Company’s market share for the entire country is the 11th highest. With a main operations and marketing area covering area of Bangkok and surrounding provinces, the central region and the eastern region, the Company’s group has a high market share in the aforementioned regions. In the liquefied natural gas (LNG) distribution business, the Company is a leader in the LNG distribution business with the second highest market share out of ten distributors. The Company’s customers are mainly industrial factories with operation and marketing areas covering the entire country.
C. Customer Characteristics and Target Customer Groups
1. Intheliquefiedpetroleumgas(LPG)distributionbusiness,theCompany’scustomersareinthefollowing three main groups:
1.1 Theindustrialgroupsuchasindustrialfactoriesthatusefueltoprovidethermalenergyorusefuelin
manufacturing processes.
1.2 ThestationsgroupsuchasLPGstationsthatdistributeLPGasfuelforvehicles.
1.3 Thegasstoresandcommercialgroupconsistsofhouseholdgascylindersalestorestaurants,small
industries and hospitals, etc., via gas filling plants currently operated by the Company. In addition, the Company distributes gas to gas store representative networks at sizes of 4 kilograms, 15 kilograms and 48 kilograms. Cylinder sales include ordinary one-valve cylinders and two-valve cylinders for commercial customers and forklift users.
The Company’s group has plans to expand the market to target groups by increasing wholesale volumes to the industrial group and increasing retail sales of household gas cylinders to commercial customers along with expanding to distribution representative networks with a focus on marketing to restaurants or markets.
2. The liquefied natural gas (LNG) distribution business has customers divided into the following two main groups:
2.1 Theindustrialgroupwhichusesfuelandthermalenergy.Thisgroupcoversmanyindustriessuchas the food and beverage industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the rubber and rubber glove production industry and the smelting industry, etc. The Company will focus on customer factories located in areas without natural gas pipelines or factories outside natural gas pipelines in the eastern region, the central region, the western region and the northeastern region.

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