Page 27 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 27

Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
    E. Finding Products and Providing Services
The Company’s group receives liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) products from PTT gas separation plants or a trade partner’s oil refinery such as Bang Chak Thai Oil or other Article 7 traders. LPG products are shipped to the gas depot in Bang Pakong, Chacherngsao, before being sent by gas trucks to customers’ facilities. Concerning liquefied natural gas (LNG) products, the Company’s group signed a liquefied natural gas purchase/sale agreement with PTT and the Company receives LNG from the depot of PTT at Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate, Rayong, and sends gas to customers’ factories by truck. At customers’ factories, the Company invests in installing LNG storage stations and conversion equipment to convert liquefied natural gas into a gaseous state for use. The Company has transportation companies in the group to provide LPG and LNG transportation services for customers effectively.
F. Environmental Policy
The Company’s group procures both LPG and LNG products which are clean gas fuels when compared to other liquefied fuels such as fuel oil or diesel. Both types of gas fuels are efficient and yield high heat. In particular, LNG, an alternative fuel, can be used in place of almost every type of other fuel with high safety from being lighter than air. When leaked, LNG floats into the atmosphere and has a high ignition temperature, making natural gas the cleanest fossil fuel with complete combustion and low CO2 while reducing PM2.5 and being environmentally friendly.
3) Construction Design, Procurement and Contracting Business
A. Business Operation Information
The Company’s group provides turnkey project services from design, procurement and installation to construction. Turnkey project services are be divided into two categories as follows:
1. SmallEnergyProjects
1.1 Designandconstructioncontractingofwholeliquefiednaturalgasstorageanddistributionfacilities
for industrial customers.
1.2 Design,constructioncontractingandrepairofwholenaturalgasfillingbuildings,stationsandsystem
equipment for natural gas stations.
1.3 Design,distributionandinstallationofsystemsforgeneratingelectricityfromsolarenergy.
2. UtilityandInfrastructureConstructionProjects
2.1 Designandconstructioncontractingoflargeprojectssuchasoildepots,gasdepotsandoilpipelines. 2.2 Designandconstructioncontractingofco-generationpowerplants.
2.3 Designandconstructioncontractingofpublicutilitysystemsandenergyinfrastructure.
B. Competitors and Competition Conditions
The competitive landscape is moderate due to the specialized expertise and direct relevant experience required for energy-related construction. The group of companies has experience in bidding for numerous large-scale projects and has consistently won bids. For example, the management of the NFCT oil depot construction project, which is currently nearing completion. Other projects include the construction of gas pipelines from PTT Gas Separation Plant Station 1 to Station 7 (GSP7 (ICP)), and the construction of chemical and water storage tanks, totaling 8 contracts for use in PTT Gas Separation Plant Station 7 (GSP7 (Tank)), among others.

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