Page 251 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 251

Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
    1. Review and nominate people who are legally qualified and pass the rules relating to the positioning of the board of directors as replacement of persons retire by rotation, by recruiting, selecting, and nominating persons with qualifications, experience, knowledge, and abilities that benefit and suit the nature of the business of the company, to propose to the board of directors meeting and the general meeting of shareholders for further consideration. The directors who have interests will abstain from voting.
2. Consider the remuneration of the board of directors, sub-committees, by carefully scrutinizing the various suitability and compare with reference from the same industry, and economic conditions, as well as the appropriateness and responsibility of the number of the board of directors and sub-committees, to present to the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders’ for approval.
3. Oversee and ensure that the company conducts orientation sessions and provides relevant documents to support newly appointed directors in fulfilling their responsibilities.
4. Encourage and support the company to allow shareholders to propose agendas for the 2024 annual general meeting of shareholders and nominate qualified persons to be considered for election as a director according to the criteria disclosed on the company’s website from 1 December 2023 to 10 January 2024.
5. Review of Nomination and Remuneration Committee charter to guide for performing duties that are appropriate and consistent with the current situation.
6.Evaluate the performance of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee on a group and individual basis for the year 2023, which the overall assessment results are at “ Excellent” level and report the evaluation results to the Board of Directors in order to develop effective operations and disclose the assessment results in the form of 56-1 One Report / Annual Report.
The nomination and remuneration committee has performed the duties assigned with care, prudence, transparency, fairness, and gives honest, independent opinions. Persons with an interest in the matter considered are not present at the meeting and have no right to express opinion and vote on that matter, according to the principles of good corporate governance, for the best interest of shareholders, investors and all stakeholders are important.
On behalf of the nomination and remuneration committee Power Solution Techonology Public Company Limited
Dr. Sakul Pochanart
Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

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