Page 252 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 252

  Enclosure 6
Dear Shareholders,
Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
The Executive Committee of Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited has been appointed by the board of directors, which consists of five members: The names of the Executive Committee are as follows:
Member of Executive Committee
In 2023, there were 22 meetings held. The details of Executive Committee attendance are as follows:
Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
   1. Mr. Soammaphat Traisorat
2. Mr. Thanat Pawarawipulyakorn 3. Mr. Luechai Soodsakorn
4. Pol.Lt.Gen. Nitat Limsiripan
5. Mr.Sirot Setabandhu
Acting Chairman of the Executive Committee Member of Executive Committee
Member of Executive Committee
Member of Executive Committee
 List of Executive Committee Members
Number of Attendance/Total meetings
 January 1 – December 31,2023
  1. Mr. Soammaphat Traisorat
2. Mr. Thanat Pawarawipulyakorn 3. Mr. Luechai Soodsakorn
4. Pol.Lt.Gen. Nitat Limsiripan
5. Mr.Sirot Setabandhu
17/20 22/22 22/22 20/20 2/2
          Note: Mr. Sirot Setabandhu has been appointed as a director to replace of Mr. Darm Nana, effective from November 10, 2023.
In 2023, the executive committee conducted 22 meetings to fulfill their assigned responsibilities. In each meeting, the executive committee collectively reviewed significant matters and present them to the board of directors for acknowledgment or approval, as appropriate . In summary, the essence can be summarized as follows
1. Reviewthecompany’sperformanceregularlyeverymonth.
2. Establishpolicies,objectives,businessstrategies,operationalplans,annualbudgets,andtheauthorities
of the company and its subsidiaries, in collaboration with the management team, to propose for approval by the board of directors.

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