Page 48 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 48

Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    3. Sustainable Business Management
1. Sustainability Management Policy and Goals
The group of companies of companies focuses on developing itself to be a fully integrated leading energy management expert, including procuring efficient and environmentally friendly alternative energy sources sustainably. Moreover, it is committed to being a prime model of renewable energy in Thailand by building credibility among investors and stakeholders regarding business operations, increasing value, promoting sustainable growth, as well as managing based on internationally recognized best practices that benefit Thai society. This is to achieve the goals and maintain excellence in virtues as a fundamental value for a leading organization. The company has established sustainability management policies and goals as follows:
The company has set seven key sustainability management policies covering three aspects – economic, environmental, and social – by considering current businesses in the group, new businesses, risks, and global sustainability trends. The guidelines are:
 1. Good Corporate Governance
2. Customer Satisfaction and Product Responsibility 3. Promoting Social Responsibility in the Supply Chain 4. Technology and Innovation Development
5. Environmentally Friendly Business Operations
6. Community and Social Development Participation 7. Human Rights and Labor
 Human Right and Labor
Communiby and Social Development Engagement
Enviromentally Friendly Business Operations
Customer satisfaction and product responsibiliby
Promoting Social Responsibulity in the Supply Chain
Technology and Innovation Development
Good corparate governance

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