Page 49 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 49

Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
      1) Good Corporate Governance
Operate under good corporate governance policies, corporate ethics, and other relevant policies. Comply with laws, rules, regulations, and anti-corruption measures.
2) Customer Satisfaction and Product Responsibility
Commit to professional service and standardized, efficient work systems. Understand customer needs to fully satisfy and build long-term trust. Strictly comply with customer code of conduct and maintain business confidentiality.
3) Promoting Social Responsibility in the Supply Chain
Have a transparent and auditable procurement process. Jointly assess and manage operational risks. Prioritize building relationships with business partners and alliances to enhance business potential.
4) Technology and Innovation Development
Continuously study and develop operations in product, technology and innovation consistent with the group of companies’ businesses, as well as developing personnel expertise.
5) Environmentally Friendly Business Operations
Select investments and develop projects that are environmentally friendly using clean technology. Systematically manage the environment according to standards. Cultivate environmental care awareness and efficient use of resources among employees and stakeholders. Support and participate in driving environmental impact reduction.
6) Community and Social Development Engagement
Create social value and promote engagement in developing surrounding communities through social investment and building common spaces for sustainable community benefit.
7) Human Rights and Labor
Respect and protect fundamental human rights, equality, and non-involvement with human rights violations, while monitoring suppliers to ensure no human rights violation risks, and treat all employees equally.
Moreover, the company’s sustainability strategies consistent with the Sustainability Policy also respond to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The group of companies key 2023 performance in relation to Sustainable Development Goals are summarized as follows:

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