Page 54 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 54

Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    2.2 Stakeholder Analysis in LPG Distribution Value Chain
The company categorizes customers into three main groups:
1) Industrial Group – industrial plants that require fuel to produce steam or heat energy for manufacturing
2) Service Station Group – service stations selling LPG to LPG vehicle users
3) Gas Store and Commercial Group – selling LPG cylinders through gas store networks. It considers key
criteria such as:
1) Quality
Providing clean, high combustion efficiency gas fuel that generates high heat, resulting in lower energy
2) Safety
LNG has many outstanding safety properties e.g. lighter than air – leaks will float up into the atmosphere,
higher ignition temperature than similar fuels, etc.
3) Society and/or Environment
Gas fuel is cleaner than other fossil fuels with more complete combustion, generating lower pollution emissions like CO2’ SOx’ and PM2.5 that have less environmental and social impact.
Moreover, stakeholder groups impacted by the company’s operations participate in determining materiality topics. Each group has different expectations of the group of companies as follows:
 Stakeholder Groups
Communication Channels and Engagement
Operations and Responses
Shareholders and Investors
1. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2. Opportunity Day
3. Press release
4. E-mail / Telephone
5. Annual report /
Form 56-1 One Report
6. Company website
1. Customer visits
2. Company website
1. Performance results in profitable growth for shareholders
2. Business direction and growth
3. Providing equal information disclosure to all shareholders/ investors
1. Product quality and standards, on-time delivery
2. Continuous development of efficient, responsive service across channels, addressing problems and needs
1. Disclosure through various channels
2. Communicating performance/results to investors
3. Compliance with SET and SEC regulations
4. Diverse channels available for disclosure and engagement with shareholders & investors
5. Accurate, complete disclosure compliant with SET and SEC regulations
6. Additional convenient channel for shareholders/investors to access information for investment decisions
1. Production development and delivery fulfilling customer needs
2. Continuous development and improvement of systems and channels for customer service, for efficient and quick service responsive to problems and needs, utilizing customer satisfaction feedback and recommendations

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