Page 56 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 56

Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    3.2 Environmental Performance
Energy Efficiency
The group of companies of companies continues to place importance on energy and climate change management, to avoid impacts on communities and the environment, while also helping reduce energy costs. Stakeholders are also concerned about climate change and global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions.
Efficient Water Usage
The group of companies of companies promotes executives and employees to conserve natural resources and energy. The company supports material reuse and places great importance on optimizing raw material utilization and waste for recycling in various production processes. Employees are required to work attentively and consciously regarding safety and the environment.
Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management
The group of companies of companies recognizes the importance of participating in maintaining a quality society and environment and engages in various activities to promote sustainable social and environmental development. Considering Thailand’s greenhouse gas emissions, the energy sector accounts for the largest proportion, followed by agriculture, industry and product use, and waste, respectively.
1) Promoting employee and company awareness of the environment, with a net zero emissions target.
2) For the environment – Natural gas is a clean fuel compared to other fossil fuels, with highly complete combustion producing less pollution, e.g. CO2, SOx, PM 2.5, and other emissions, resulting in less environmental and social impact.
3) For quality – The company will procure high efficiency, clean natural gas fuel that provides high heat, reducing energy costs.
Over the past two decades, the group of companies of companies remains committed to pursuing sustainable development initiatives in the environmental dimension, integrating reduced natural resource usage, greenhouse gas emissions, and environmental impact, as well as promoting circular economy throughout the value chain of product and service development, to enhance the quality of life and environment for all.
4 Sustainability Management in the Social Aspect
4.1 Social Policies and Practices
The group of companies of companies has defined its key business objectives and goals to achieve sustainable growth together with society, generating value and benefits for the organization, customers, partners, employees, shareholders, stakeholders, and overall society, as well as cultivating an organizational culture guided by good corporate governance principles.

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