Page 57 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 57

Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
    4.2 Social Performance
Code of Conduct
Conducting business fairly – The company is committed to fair business practices as stated in its vision and mission, including establishing a code of business ethics to ensure the performance of directors, executives and employees meets standards, achieving business goals while upholding ethics for the benefit of stakeholders, shareholders, the company, and society.
Human Rights and Labor
The group of companies of companies conducts business by adhering to good corporate governance principles. All directors, executives and employees recognize the importance of respecting human rights, freedoms, and equality, including compliance with labor laws and related regulations in the treatment of employees, to ensure equal treatment. The company also promotes human rights, including the rights of all stakeholders throughout the value chain, and encourages business partners and allies to conduct business with fairness and respect for human rights. The human rights and labor policy is defined as follows:
- Respect, promote, protect and stimulate respect for the right to protect and respect fundamental human rights through mutual respect and honor, and treat each other equally without discrimination based on race, skin color, lineage, national or social origin, religion, social status, gender, age, characteristics or physical appearance, language, political opinion, property or any other status.
- Avoid direct or indirect human rights violations from business operations, participate in respecting and complying with human rights principles for all stakeholders, not neglect or ignore observed human rights violations, and report to supervisors or designated channels to prevent human rights violations and ensure business operations do not participate or omit acts that are human rights violations. Executives and employees thus focus on engaging business with customers or partners that respect these human rights principles.
- Practice equal treatment without discrimination in all employment processes from recruitment, compensation, working hours and holidays, work assignments, performance evaluation, training and skills development for work, as well as legal benefits.
- Do not use illegal forced or child labor, including avoiding forced labor through coercion, confinement, rights deprivation, harassment, human trafficking, while also giving equal importance to women’s rights under the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and not enforcing labor unsuitable to physical conditions, including all forms of violence, or other matters demonstrating disrespect for human rights principles or failure to conform to international human rights, freedoms and equality standards.

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