Page 8 - The Entrepreneur Code
P. 8


               In each of these life areas, which include health, fitness, personal

               development, relationships and spiritual pursuits, we have

               identified several key habits that have turned these people into

               businessmen and businesswomen that have not only achieved

               fame and amassed a great fortune, but are actually changing the

               world around them for the better.

               Each chapter will not only list and describe these life-changing

               habits, but they will also profile a successful and well-known

               entrepreneur that is known for those particular habits, so that you

               can see how they are applied in the lives of successful people.

               The 50 habits that we have identified are shared among just

               about all of the entrepreneurs that we researched, and especially

               among the entrepreneurs profiled in this book. If you can

               incorporate just a few of them into your own life, you will have a

               distinct advantage over other people who are striving for success.

               The more of these habits that you can make your own, the more

               in line with what the most successful entrepreneurs in the world

               are doing in their own lives. Each one will give you part of the key

               that you need to unlock the Entrepreneur Code, and once you do,

               the possibilities are limitless.

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