Page 10 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 10
Humber Valley
Driving Tips
Signage guidance, travellers will be able to arrive
With over 29,000 at their favourite attractions with ease.
kilometres of pristine,
rugged coastline, Book your vehicle ahead
there’s plenty of room Whether you’re here for fresh air, colourful
to find yourself – or lose houses, or something more intangible,
yourself for that matter. the last thing you want to be searching for
But when you have a is something to drive. Which is why it’s a
specific destination in mind, good idea to make car rental reservations
you need to know how to before you travel. While this place
get there. The province has developed certainly is off the beaten path, lots of
a new signage system to help you find people want to get lost and found at the
your way. We are phasing in Tourist- very same time as you. Besides, booking
Oriented Directional Signage – an ahead means you get to travel when you
internationally-recognized system want, exactly how you want. And what
based on well-known symbols. With this could be better than that?
Common Driving Times
Port aux Basques to St. John’s 9¼ hours 902 km
Argentia to St. John’s 1½ hours 133 km
St. John’s to Gander 3½ hours 335 km
St. John’s to Clarenville 2 hours 189 km
St. John’s to Rocky Harbour (Gros Morne National Park) 7½ hours 704 km
Corner Brook to Grand Falls-Windsor 2¾ hours 263 km
Deer Lake to L’Anse aux Meadows 5¼ hours 436 km
St. John’s to St. Barbe 10 hours 931 km
St. Barbe to Blanc Sablon (via ferry) 2 hours 35 km
Blanc Sablon to Happy Valley-Goose Bay 8½ hours 620 km
Happy Valley-Goose Bay to Labrador City 6 hours 532 km
* Based on Google distance, which assumes a driving speed of 80 km/h. Times will be shorter for highway driving where the speed limit is 100 km/h.
8 | For more info call 1-800-563-6353