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Mountains National Parks, and the North.   FISHERMAN’S LANDING CRAFTS FT32
         OPEN: Jun 28–Sep 10 Loc: 13 Back Road T: (709)   The largest selection of Newfoundland and
         325 6820 E: W:   Labrador crafts and souvenirs in Gros Morne. CC: MC, PayPal, V, e-Transfer.  OPEN: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: Harbour View and
                                         Main Street T: (709) 458 2711 / 2826 TF: (866)
         JERSEY ROOM CRAFT SHOP F        458 2711 E: fishermans.landing@nf.sympatico.
         Woolen sweaters, mitts, weaving, handmade   ca W: CC: AE,
         quilts, photographs, crochet, pottery, all locally   Debit, MC, V.
         made. Traditional Newfoundland meals served
         in the dining area. OPEN: May 24–Sep 30 Loc:   THE GLASS STATION FTI43
         8 Water Street T: (709) 453 2294 / 458 7980   Beautiful and colourful, The Glass Station
         Off-Season T: (709) 453 2417 E: claricebursey@  Gallery is light, bright and cheery, and home CC: AE, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.  to carefully curated, locally-made works of
                                         fine art and fine craft, as well as Urve Manuel’s
         MOLLY MADE FIBRE ART STUDIO FI  Glass Studio. OPEN: May 1–Nov 1 Loc: 54 Main
         All of our art and crafts are created by local   Street South T: (709) 640 6165 E: urve.manuel@
         artisans and craftspeople. We carry a large W: CC: AE, Debit,
         selection of quality crafts, paintings, and hooked   MC, V, e-Transfer.
         rugs. Drop by for a visit. OPEN: May 1–Oct 31
         Loc: 20 Crawley’s Cove Road T: (709) 453 2538 E:   JAVA JACK’S W: mollymadefibreart.  RESTAURANT & GALLERY FTI42
         com CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.  A café, restaurant, and art gallery combo which
                                         showcases Newfoundland talent by displaying
         THE SAMPLE ROOM F               the works of local artists and artisans while
         Loved by locals and visitors alike. Great gifts and   dining on traditional gourmet food in this
         more, with something for everyone! A gift shop   heritage home. OPEN: Mid May–Mid Sep Loc:
         and antique display of merchandise from an era   88 Main Street North T: (709) 458 2710 / (905)
         gone by! OPEN: May 18–Sep 30 Loc: 1 Water   875 8590 E: W:
         Street T: (709) 453 2485 / 458 7381 TF: (866)   CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
         453 2485 E: W: CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.  SWEET ROCK ICE CREAM SHOP FTI
                                         Homemade ice cream made fresh daily,
         SEASIDE GIFT SHOP F32           available in the historic towns of Bonavista,
         Waterfront Crafts of Character gift shop with   Trinity, Rocky Harbour, and St. John’s. Enjoy
         Newfoundland art, local unique crafts, music,   our unique and local flavours with fantastic
         books, and quality embroidered clothing.   views! OPEN: May 19–Oct 1 Loc: 41 Main
         OPEN: May 20–Oct 1 Loc: 39 Water Street T:   Street North T: (709) 436 2015 / (416) 809
         (709) 453 2777 E: W:   6030 E: W: CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
                                CC: Debit, MC, V.
         Rocky Harbour, Route 430 (K7)
                                         TRADITIONS BY MIRANDA ART FI2
         AUNT SARAH’S CHOCOLATE SHOP FTI  A unique, one-of-a-kind gallery owned by
         A warm atmosphere with old-fashioned   local artist Miranda Reid. With an open studio
         charm located in the heart of historic Rocky   concept she creates fine, folk, and functional
         Harbour, offers a variety of locally handmade   art so visitors can view and experience art
         chocolates and treats! Additional locations in   come to life. OPEN: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 76
         Trinity and St. John’s. OPEN: May 18–Oct 1 Loc:   Main Street South T: (709) 458 8099 / 3247 E:
         41 Main Street North T: (709) 436 2015 / (416) CC: AE, Debit, MC,
         809 6030 E: W:   PayPal, V, e-Transfer. CC: Debit, MC, V.
                                         UNIQUELY NEWFOUNDLAND
         Fully stocked convenience store, souvenir   100% wool sweaters, socks, mitts, quilts, silk
         clothing, snowshoes, knitted goods, wooden   scarves, Newfoundland books, jams, candles,
         carvings, photography, Newfoundland   stationery, mummers, folk art, pottery, and
         preserves, handmade porcelain jewellery.   carvings. OPEN: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 21–29 West
         OPEN: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 72 Main Street   Link Road T: (709) 458 2711 / 2826 TF: (866) 458
         South T: (709) 458 2020 / 2369 TF: (888) 603   2711 E: W:
         2020 E: CC: CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
         AE, Debit, MC, V.

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