Page 129 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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Norris Point, Route 430 (K7)    Griquet, Route 436 (B14)
        & CRAFT SHOP F                  Locally caught fresh seafood. Live lobster
        A photographer’s paradise, this lookout   and a variety store with grocery items. Liquor     Western
        captures the spectacular view of Bonne Bay and   Express store on-site. Smoked fish will be
        the Tablelands. Traditional saltbox house built   available during the peak fishing season.
        in 1926. Enjoy a mug-up, muffins, and berries.   OPEN: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 217 Main Street T:
        Local artifacts and crafts. OPEN: Jun 1–Sep   (709) 623 2548 / 212 1258 TF: (877) 623 2548 E:
        30 Loc: 104 Main Street T: (709) 458 2828 Off- CC: AE, Debit, MC,
        Season T: (709) 458 2896 E:   V, e-Transfer.
        W: CC: Debit, MC, V.
                                        St. Lunaire, Route 436 (B14)
        A selection of Newfoundland-made crafts and   THE DARK TICKLE SHOPPE FTYI42  Shops & Galleries
                                        Wild berry products you can watch being
        art combined with an ice cream shop. OPEN:   made, art and gift boutique, and Café
        May 20–Oct 09 Loc: 218 Main Street T: (709)   Nymphe, an historically themed café housing
        458 3234 TF: (877) 458 2929 E:   the Granchain Exhibit, a showcase on an
        W: CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
                                        18th-century explorer. Boat tour. OPEN: Jan
        Cow Head, Route 430 (I7)        1–Dec 31 Loc: 75 Main Street T: (709) 623 2354
                                        TF: (844) 999 2374 E:
        SKIVVERS FIBRE STUDIO           W: CC: Debit, MC, PayPal, V,
        & WOOL CRAFT FI                 e-Transfer.
        Visit to see our Newfoundland heritage wool
        being processed on-site, featuring natural dyes.   L’Anse aux Meadows, Route 436 (A14)
        In the shop, find high quality craft by largely
        local artisans, with a strong focus on wool.   THE GAIA GALLERY & CAFE 4
                                        Great selection of fine Indigenous and
        OPEN: Jun 1–Oct 28 Loc: 165 Main Street T:   Newfoundland art. Many say it’s  the
        (709) 907 9955 / 640 8874 E: skivvers@outlook.  best  selection  of  local  art  in  northern
        com CC: AE, Debit, MC, PayPal, V, e-Transfer.
                                        Newfoundland. Fun to browse while you dine
        Port au Choix, Route 430-28 (E9)  on our gourmet food and watch the ocean.
                                        OPEN: May 25–Sep 25 Loc: Harbourfront T:
        BEN’S STUDIO                    (709) 754 3105 / 689 4825 Off-Season T: (709)
        Studio features 3D wooden wall/folk art by   689 2126 TF: (877) 623 2018 E: ginanoordhof@
        Ben J. Ploughman. Also home of the Golden W: CC: AE, DC/E,
        Cod. OPEN: May 15–Sep 30 Loc: 24 Fisher   Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
        Street T: (709) 861 3280 E: benjploughman@ W: CC: Debit, MC,   HERITAGE SHOP FTYI32
        V, e-Transfer.                  Find unique products interpreting the history
                                        of this ancient Norse site. Browse other fine
        HERITAGE SHOP FTYI32            local products, including art, crafts, literature,
        Discover the best locally-made Newfoundland   food, and souvenirs. A non-profit organization.
        and Labrador gifts, crafts, books, and   OPEN: Jun 1–Sep 1 Loc: L’Anse aux Meadows
        souvenirs. Look for products interpreting the   National Historic Site T: (709) 753 2568 TF:
        6,000-year history of Port au Choix. A non-  (877) 753 9262 E: W:
        profit organization. OPEN: Jun 1–Sep 1 Loc: BL: CC:
        Port au Choix National Historic Site T: (709) 753   AE, Debit, MC, V.
        2568 TF: (877) 753 9262 E: sales@historicsites.
        ca W: BL:   NORSEMAN GALLERY 4
        CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.           One of the best selections of Newfoundland
                                        and Labrador art in the province. Dine in our
        Shoal Cove East, Route 430 (B11)
                                        world-class restaurant adjoined to the gallery.
        GNP CRAFTS F                    OPEN: May 27–Sep 20 Loc: Harbour Front T:
        A unique craft shop of handmade products,   (877) 623 2018 / (709) 754 3105 Off-Season T:
        mainly sealskin and carvings, with a history   (709) 689 2126 E: W:
        of our heritage in this area. OPEN: Jan 1–Dec CC: AE, DC/E, Debit, MC,
        31 Loc: Route 430 T: (709) 456 2123 / 2122 E:   V, e-Transfer. CC: MC, V.

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