Page 201 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 201

Harbour Breton, Route 360 (T13)  ROCKY POINT LIGHTHOUSE
                                        Walk the scenic trail with Harbour Breton
        DEADMAN’S COVE BEACH & TRAIL    Bay Fjord as your backdrop and learn about
        Visit and learn of treasure and floating homes.   life at the lighthouse. Great backdrop for
        Relax on the sandy beaches to the sounds   pictures. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: South   Central
        of the sea. Walk the scenic 2-km coastal trail   Side of Harbour Breton T: (709) 885 2354 /
        and see Arctic terns. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31   2885 E: W:
        Loc: Deadman’s Cove Road T: (709) 885 2354
        / 2885 E: W:               SUNNY COTTAGE
                                        HERITAGE CENTRE 957
        THE ELLIOTT PREMISES / DOCKSIDE CAFE   Large Queen Anne-style house built in 1907
        The anchor tourist attraction in Harbour   by a local merchant. Rooms with various local
        Breton, a must-see! Featuring the Dockside   community themes, including resettlement,
        Café, a marina, performing arts venue, visitor   and the families that occupied the house
        information kiosk, and gift shop. Season: Jul   until 1996. Season: Jul 2–Sep 2 Loc: Route
        2–Sep 3 Loc: 33–37 Elliott Drive T: (709) 885   360 and cross the bridge T: (709) 885 2354 /   Attractions & Adventures
        2354 / 2885 E:   2885 E: W:
                                        Peterview, Route 350 (M15)
                            Bay of Exploits
                                        PETERVIEW HERITAGE CENTRE 39
                                        A great collection of valuables from the past,
                                        as well as photos and other memorabilia about
                                        the history of Peterview and its residents.
                                        Season: Jul 3–Aug 19 Loc: 236 Main Street T:
                                        (709) 257 2926 E: townofpeterview@nf.aibn.
                                        com W: $$: Donations welcome.
                                        Botwood, Route 350 (M15)
                                        BOTWOOD HERITAGE PARK,
                                        MUSEUM AND ARCHIVE F9
                                        WWII seaplane base, P.B.Y. Catalina aircraft.
                                        Heritage and aviation museum, archive,
        GUN HILL LOOKOUT                European explorers, hospital, railway, shipping,
        A short hike to the summit of Gun Hill will   Indigenous displays, antique snowmobiles,
        reward you with a panoramic view of Harbour   flight simulators. Season: Jun 10–Sep 30
        Breton Bay Fjord.  Season: Jan 1–Dec 31   Loc: Air Base Place T: (709) 257 3782 / 2839 E:
        Loc: Main Road North T: (709) 885 2354 / W: botwoodnl.
        2885 E: W:   ca $$: Contact for rates. CC: Debit, MC, V.
                                        BOTWOOD MURALS ART SOCIETY F
        HARBOUR BRETON BOAT TOURS F     Botwood’s diverse history is colourfully
        Unique 2-hour boat tour. You will enjoy   portrayed in a series of world-class murals
        astonishing views of Harbour Breton, visit   strategically located throughout our rural
        resettled communities and hear their stories.   seaport town. Each mural will captivate people
        View aquaculture sites and possible marine   of all ages and interests. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31
        sightings. Cap: 7 Season: May 1–Oct 1 Loc: 30   Loc: 6 Church Road T: (709) 257 2839 / 4162 E:
        Canada Drive T: (709) 885 3177 Off-Season T: W:
        (709) 887 3177 E: h.bretonboattours@outlook.
        com $$: $80–$100. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.  BOTWOOD WALKING TRAILS F
                                        4 interconnected trails: Killick Island Walk
        MILE POND BOARDWALK             (featuring WWII bunkers), Lighthouse Point
        This 2-km trail takes you around a scenic   Seaside Walk, the Old Railway Link Seaside
        pond and to a coastal trail. Season: Jan 1–  Walk, and King Ridge Lookout. Each provides a
        Dec 31 Loc: Route 360 T: (709) 885 2354 /   breathtaking view! Season: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc:
        2885 E: W:   Route 350 T: (709) 257 2839 / 3331 E: events@
                               W: $$: Free. CC: Debit.

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