Page 198 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 198
Robert’s Arm, Route 380 (K13) LONG ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE F
A municipal heritage structure. It was
HAZELNUT HIKING AND ADVENTURE TRAIL F re-erected in the summer of 2015 at the
Scenic 10-km trail around Crescent Lake which entrance to the town at the ferry dock. The
has a mix of wooded areas and coastlines, Southern Head Lighthouse was built in 1904.
with an RV Park in its midst. Easy to moderate Season: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 110 Main Street T:
rating. Keep an eye out for “Cressie”, our (709) 264 3271 E:
Loch Ness monster. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31
Loc: 24 km from Route 1 T: (709) 652 3331 E: Triton, Route 380 (K14) W: robertsarm.
Take a personalized ocean tour with Skipper Mike,
Pilley’s Island, Route 380 (K14) a Newfoundland fisherman, to check out icebergs,
whales, waterfalls, ship wrecks, mussel farms, and
BUMBLEBEE BIGHT a sea cave called Nanny’s Hole. Season: May 1–Oct
INN AND BREWERY FI2 1 Loc: Government wharf T: (709) 263 6908 / 2248
Our craft beer celebrates the local area, a full E: $$: See website.
locally-sourced menu featuring Italian wood CC: PayPal, e-Transfer.
fired pizza, and 5 luxurious rooms. The area
offers walking trails, ocean kayaking, and MAPLE RIDGE HIKING TRAIL F
beautiful vistas. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 188 Beautifully designed 3-km trail of coastal
Main Street T: (709) 702 4512 / (780) 713 7739 undulating hills with a panoramic view of
E: $$: Please the surrounding area. Entrance has outdoor
call. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer. swimming pool, boat launch, public pier,
and camping area. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31
PILLEY’S ISLAND HERITAGE MUSEUM F9 Loc: Brighton Road T: (709) 263 2264 E:
Pilley’s Island is a small town with a big W:
history. The mining of pyrite began in 1887. $$: Free.
A collection of artifacts displayed in the
old United Church School and 125-year-old TRITON SPERM WHALE PAVILION F2
Methodist Church. Season: Jun 28–Sep 8 Loc: Engage in an informative tour with our curator
21 Harbour View Road T: (709) 652 3790 / 668 and learn about the nature of the great sperm
0675 E: $$: Adults $2, whale, and even discover how the 13-metre
youth $1, children (under 12) free. skeleton made its way to our exhibit. Season: Jun
5–Sep 9 Loc: 12A Main Street T: (709) 263 2145 /
Beaumont, Route 380 (J14)
2264 E: W: townoftriton.
BEAVER POND SWIMMING PARK F ca $$: Adults $5, children (12 and under) free.
Beautiful, scenic park with a beach with shallow Brighton, Route 380 (K14)
water, eventually getting deeper as you go out.
Floating dock for diving and sunning. Change COBBLER’S ISLAND TRAIL F
rooms, picnic tables, unsupervised. Season: Jun The town has two trails with beautiful scenic
1–Sep 30 Loc: 110 Main Street T: (709) 264 3271 outlooks. We also have a gazebo at another
E: lookout point with a bridge connecting them.
Season: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: Cemetery Road
LONG ISLAND BEOTHUK TRAIL F and Main Street T: (709) 263 7391 / 2142 E:
See whales, icebergs, bald eagles, osprey, and $$: Free.
numerous seabirds. A panoramic view of the
whole of Green Bay South. Season: Jun 1– Badger, Route 1 (M13)
Dec 1 Loc: 110 Main Street T: (709) 264 3271 E: ATV RAILBED TOURS 4
Experience the trip of a lifetime on “The Rock”
LONG ISLAND CO-OP HERITAGE while riding your ATV (or “quad”, as they are
AND OUTDOOR REST AREA F known in Newfoundland). We’ve been serving
Historic co-op store rebuilt in 1957 is part of people’s needs for over 25 years. You won’t
the co-operative movement in Newfoundland. regret it! Cap: 1–14 Season: Jun 1–Oct 1 Loc:
Season: Jun 1–Sep 30 Loc: Route 380 T: (709) 24 Maple Street T: (506) 386 1245 / 351 1781
264 3271 E: E: W: $$:
From $1,995. CC: Debit, e-Transfer.
196 | For more info call 1-800-563-6353