Page 194 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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Gambo, Route 320 (N18) Terra Nova National Park, and the Road to the
Beaches. Amenities: Comfort station, fire pit/
DAVID SMALLWOOD PARK F-3 BBQ, playground/play area, pool. $$: $149–$189.
50 Sites, May 15–Sep 15 Loc: Route 320 T: (709) CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
674 0122 / 571 2232 Off-Season T: (709) 674
4476 E: Eastport, Route 310 (O20)
W: Description: Beautiful
scenery and waterfalls, excellent salmon fishing, HAROLD W. DUFFETT SHRINERS
scenic walking/hiking trails. Located near splash 150 Sites, May 15–Sep 30 Loc: Route 310
pad, outdoor pool, and playground. Access to T: (709) 677 2438 / 424 6119 TF: (877) 313
the Trans Canada Trail. Amenities: Comfort 2322 E: W:
station, drinking water, dumping station, Description:
electric hook-ups, fire pit/BBQ, internet/wi-fi, A family-friendly, modern, full-service RV
laundry, water hook-ups. $$: Unserviced $23, park located on Eastport Peninsula, one of
semi-serviced $30. CC: MC, V.
Newfoundland’s most beautiful destinations.
Square Pond, Route 1 (N18) Amenities: Comfort station, drinking water,
electric hook-ups, internet/wi-fi, laundry,
SQUARE POND FRIENDS AND FAMILY playground/play area, pull-through sites,
RV PARK F- sewage hook-ups, water hook-ups. $$: 30-amp
118 Sites, May 20–Sep 11 Loc: Route 1 T: (709) $36, 50-amp $40, weekly, monthly, and seasonal
674 7566 Off-Season T: (709) 424 8048 E: rates available. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer. W: squarepondpark.
ca Description: Family campground, upgraded Route 1 (OP18-19)
sites and services, wi-fi in select locations.
Scheduled daily children’s activities. Friendly, BACKCOUNTRY CAMPSITES–TERRA NOVA
quiet campground. Takeout available. 27 Sites, May 19–Oct 9 Loc: Terra Nova National
Amenities: Beach, comfort station, convenience Park T: (709) 533 2801 TF: (888) 737 3783 E:
store, drinking water, drive-in sites, dumping pc.infopnterra-nova-terranovanpinfo.pc@
station, electric hook-ups, internet/wi-fi, W: Description:
laundry, playground/play area, pull-through Pristine, secluded primitive campsites for
sites, water hook-ups. $$: $30–$40. CC: Debit, hikers and/or boating enthusiasts. Short
MC, V, e-Transfer.
or long hike, canoe, kayak, or boat drop-
Glovertown, Route 310 (O19) off. Book online and register at any park
facility. Amenities: Fire pit/BBQ, seniors’ rate,
CROSSTOWN FAMILY PARK F- unserviced sites. $$: Park entry permit and
25 Sites, May 15–Oct 15 Loc: 207 Mail Street backcountry camping permit required. Call or
T: (709) 533 7817 E: wilfredjanes@hotmail. see website for rates. CC: Debit, MC, V.
com Description: Offering sites with water
and electrical services. Dumping station and MALADY HEAD CAMPGROUND–
convenience store on-site. Walking trails and TERRA NOVA NATIONAL PARK OF
museum nearby. Just a 10 minute drive to Terra CANADA FT438
Nova National Park. Amenities: Convenience 92 Sites, Jun 23–Sep 17 Loc: Route 310, 5 km
store, drinking water, drive-in sites, dumping from Route 1 T: (709) 533 2801 TF: (888) 773 8888
station, electric car charging station, electric E: pc.infopnterra-nova-terranovanpinfo.pc@
hook-ups, fire pit/BBQ, food service on-site, W: Description:
internet/wi-fi, no pets allowed (service animals A quiet, natural setting for campers wishing
welcome), playground/play area, pull-through to experience true nature. Malady Head
sites, unserviced sites, water hook-ups. $$: $30– Campground has 10 oTENTik units and 3 Oasis
$40. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer. units. Amenities: Drinking water, dumping
station, fire pit/BBQ, playground/play area,
Traytown, Bonavista Bay, Route 310 (O19)
seniors’ rate, unserviced sites. $$: Park entry
SALTY BAY CABINS–YURTS F permit required in addition to camping fees.
4 Glamping units, May 19–Oct 15 Loc: 74 Main Call or see website for rates. CC: Debit, MC, V.
Street T: (709) 424 2908 E: info@saltybaycabins.
ca W: Description: Come
stay in one of our luxurious yurts for a unique
glamping experience in Scenic Traytown.
Located just minutes away from Splash ‘N’ Putt,
192 | For more info call 1-800-563-6353