Page 191 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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Triton, Route 380 (K14) play area, pull-through sites, unserviced sites,
water hook-ups. $$: Tent $30, 30-amp $38, tax
MAPLE RIDGE RV PARK F- included. Season $2,100. CC: Debit, MC, V.
7 Sites, May 13–Sep 30 Loc: 22 Brighton Road T:
(709) 263 2264 / 2145 E: townoftriton@eastlink. SANGER MEMORIAL RV PARK F-432 Central
ca W: 47 Sites, May 19–Oct 9 Loc: 15 Scott Avenue
park Description: 7 fully-serviced RV campsites T: (709) 489 8780 / 7350 E: sangerrvpark@
that are conveniently nestled near the scenic W: Description: “Perfectly
Maple Ridge Hiking Trail, Triton Swimming centred” and nestled along the banks of the
Pool, and floating dock marina. Amenities: scenic and historical Exploits River, minutes
Drive-in sites, electric hook-ups, fire pit/BBQ, from downtown Grand Falls-Windsor and
playground/play area, pool, sewage hook-ups, amenities. Campground offers full-service RV
water hook-ups. $$: $25, weekly $150, monthly accommodations. Amenities: Comfort station, Campgrounds
$600, season $1,500. CC: e-Transfer. drinking water, drive-in sites, dumping station,
electric hook-ups, internet/wi-fi, laundry,
Badger, Route 1 (M13)
no pets allowed (service animals welcome),
CATAMARAN PARK - playground/play area, pull-through sites,
240 Campsites, May 19–Sep 16 Loc: Route 1 T: sewage hook-ups, water hook-ups. $$: $45–$50.
(709) 539 5115 / 673 7630 E: tammylyoung@ CC: Debit, MC, V. W: Bishop’s Falls, Route 1 (M14)
Description: Explore the beauty, wildlife,
and tranquility of the landscape and lakeside BROOKDALE RV PARK
views. Amenities: Beach, comfort station, & CAMPGROUND F-2
convenience store, drinking water, drive- 46 Sites, May 15–Oct 3 Loc: 10 Main Street West
in sites, dumping station, fire pit/BBQ, T: (709) 258 7377 / 5500 TF: (888) 502 7665 E:
food service on-site, internet/wi-fi, laundry, W:
playground/play area, pool, pull-through sites, Description: Clean, quiet country setting
unserviced sites, water hook-ups. $$: $28–$43. minutes from Exploits River, walking trails, and
CC: Debit, MC, V. local attractions. Salmon and golfing nearby.
Whale and iceberg tours in the area. Amenities:
Buchans Junction, Route 370 (N11)
Comfort station, drinking water, drive-in sites,
MARY MARCH WILDERNESS PARK F- dumping station, electric hook-ups, fire pit/
25 Sites, May 15–Sep 15 Loc: Route 370 T: (709) BBQ, internet/wi-fi, laundry, playground/play
672 7074 / 7777 E: W: area, pool, pull-through sites, sewage hook-ups, Description: unserviced sites, water hook-ups. $$: $25–$40,
78 acres on beautiful Beothuk Lake where monthly and season rates available. CC: AE,
the wilderness, wildlife, and friendliness Debit, MC, V.
are unbeatable. Amenities: Beach, comfort
station, convenience store, dumping station, 48 Sites, May 1–Sep 30 Loc: 10 Powerhouse
electric hook-ups, fire pit/BBQ, internet/wi-fi, Road T: (709) 290 9016 Off-Season T: (709)
laundry, playground/play area, pull-through 258 6581 E: W:
sites, unserviced sites, water hook-ups. $$: Tent Description: Located on the
$20, 20-amp $26, 30-amp $30. CC: Debit, MC, Exploits River adjacent to the falls. The Exploits
V, e-Transfer.
adventure starts here. Amenities: Comfort
Grand Falls-Windsor, Route 1 (M14) station, convenience store, drinking water,
dumping station, electric hook-ups, fire pit/
BEOTHUCK FAMILY PARK - BBQ, internet/wi-fi, unserviced sites, water
72 Sites, May 21–Sep 5 Loc: Exit 17, Main hook-ups. $$: Serviced $25, unserviced $15. CC:
Street West T: (709) 489 9832 / 293 4897 Debit, MC, V.
E: W: Description: Quiet Conne River, Route 365 (S14)
family park. Ball hockey, basketball courts,
swimming, fishing. Beautiful sunsets on Rushy 32 Sites, May 15–Sep 7 Loc: Route 360 T: (709)
Pond. Close to shopping, golf course, and Tim 538 7115 TF: (866) 882 2470 E: cmlambert@
Horton’s. Private wooded sites. Excellent trout W:
fishing. Amenities: Beach, comfort station, Description: Scenic, peaceful, and quiet
drinking water, dumping station, electric surroundings. Nestled in an evergreen forest
hook-ups, fire pit/BBQ, laundry, playground/
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