Page 190 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 190
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Baie Verte, Route 410 (I12) King’s Point, Route 391 (K12)
80 Sites, May 24–Oct 1 Loc: Route 410, 39 km 13 Sites, May 13–Sep 30 Loc: 44 Main Street T:
from Route 1 T: (709) 532 2267 / 6064 Off- (709) 268 3879 / 3838 E: kpcouncil@eastlink.
Season T: (709) 532 6800 E: flatwaterpark@ ca W: Description: Scenic campground Description: Enjoy a relaxing evening by the
and day park nestled around a large lake. water with fresh air, icebergs, whales. Caravan
Sandy beach, swimming, boating, fishing, and tours welcome and unique group lobster/
ATV accessible and friendly. Great launch point mussel boil-up options available. Amenities:
to all attractions of the Baie Verte Peninsula. Beach, comfort station, convenience store,
Amenities: Beach, comfort station, convenience drinking water, drive-in sites, dumping station,
store, drinking water, drive-in sites, dumping electric car charging station, electric hook-ups,
station, electric hook-ups, fire pit/BBQ, fire pit/BBQ, internet/wi-fi, laundry, playground/
internet/wi-fi, laundry, playground/play area, play area, sewage hook-ups, water hook-ups.
pull-through sites, unserviced sites, water hook- $$: $25, fully-serviced $32, season $1,600. CC:
ups. $$: $25–$42, weekly and monthly rates Debit, MC, V.
available. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
Springdale, Route 390 (K13)
La Scie, Route 414 (I14)
ISLAND COVE PARK F- 38 Sites, May 15–Sep 11 Loc: Route 390 T: (709)
13 Sites, May 19–Sep 10 Loc: Route 414 T: (709) 673 3808 / 3439 E: park.springdale@gmail.
675 2303 / 532 6524 Off-Season T: (709) 675 com W:
2266 E: Description: huxter-memorial-park Description: A small and
Camp overlooking the ocean with immediate quiet campground on the banks of the scenic
access to walking trails, picnic areas, and the Indian River. Come watch the salmon jump the
French Shore Lookout. Amenities: Beach, falls or take a walk along the river on our 5.6-
comfort station, drinking water, dumping km walking trail. Amenities: Comfort station,
station, electric hook-ups, fire pit/BBQ, laundry, drinking water, drive-in sites, dumping station,
playground/play area, unserviced sites, water electric hook-ups, fire pit/BBQ, internet/wi-fi,
hook-ups. $$: Tent $25, unserviced $27, serviced laundry, playground/play area, pull-through
$30. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer. sites, unserviced sites, water hook-ups. $$:
Semi-serviced $30, weekly $200, monthly $600,
Springdale Junction, Route 1 (K12)
season $1,400. CC: Debit, MC, V.
BLUE CANOE FAMILY RV PARK FI-32 Robert’s Arm, Route 380 (K13)
140 Sites, May 14–Sep 9 Loc: Route 1, 1 km
west of Springdale Junction T: (709) 673 2677 CRESCENT LAKE RV PARK F-
/ 532 5812 Off-Season T: (709) 532 7013 TF: 30 Sites, May 15–Sep 15 Loc: Route 380 T:
(800) 673 2677 E: W: (709) 293 0299 / 2799 E: crescentlakervpark@ Description: The perfect W:
family-friendly RV destination, conveniently Description: We’re not your typical RV park! No
located along the banks of the Indian River overcrowding here. Well treed, private, peaceful,
between Deer Lake and Grand Falls-Windsor. clean, and natural. The perfect hideaway to
Amenities: Beach, comfort station, convenience relax, unwind, and breathe, where solitude
store, drinking water, drive-in sites, dumping is your closest neighbour. Amenities: Beach,
station, electric hook-ups, fire pit/BBQ, food comfort station, convenience store, drive-in
service on-site, internet/wi-fi, interpretive sites, dumping station, electric hook-ups, fire
programs, laundry, playground/play area, pool, pit/BBQ, internet/wi-fi, laundry, playground/
pull-through sites, seniors’ rate, water hook-ups. play area, pull-through sites, water hook-ups.
$$: $35–$2,150. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer. $$: Semi-serviced $38.50, taxes included. CC:
188 | For more info call 1-800-563-6353