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crafts workshops, creative retreats, and first federal cabinet minister after
musical performances. Confederation. The grounds feature
Port Union, as the name suggests, is a a restored fish merchant’s dwelling,
union-built town, one-of-a-kind in North alongside a former cod liver oil factory. Eastern
America. Founded by Sir William F. Drop by on July 1, Canada Day, for a
Coaker, an early 20th-century reformer, special celebration.
union organizer, politician, businessman, Outside town is the Cape Bonavista
teetotaler, and failed farmer. Coaker Lighthouse Provincial Historic Site and
devoted his life to bettering the lives of the Dungeon Provincial Park, where a
downtrodden fishermen. collapsed sea cave has become a Road Trips
Another interesting side trip is at steep-sided crater. To see Bonavista’s
Elliston, the root cellar capital of the coastline from a different perspective,
world. Hundreds of these man-made, hop on a boat tour and keep your eyes
frost-free, food preservers – many still in peeled for whales and icebergs. Back
use – recall the ingenuity of the on land, join a chef for a boil-up on the
pioneers. The Puffin Viewing Site here beach, where you’ll enjoy tea and a
offers the best views of these comical snack over an open fire – or perhaps
birds from shore – they often land on sample some salt fish, lobster, cod
the cliffs mere feet away. While here, cheeks, or moose.
visit the Home From the Sea John C. The best thing to do in Bonavista is
Crosbie Sealers Interpretation Centre, a park your car and walk. It’s a great way
modern museum and art gallery that to see the old part of town and take in
brings to life the seafaring stories of the architecture. Check to see what’s
sealers and their dangerous work, while playing at the Garrick Theatre. For more road trip information, visit
the memorial honours the lives lost in The upper portion of the Bonavista
the 1914 sealing disaster. Peninsula hosts the province’s newest
Before roads were built, there were UNESCO site, the Discovery Geopark,
two ways to get around: by boat or where a collection of 10 geologically-
shank’s mare – on foot –and as a result, significant sites are scattered up the
there are coastal trails galore in this part coast. Explore the rock surfaces at the
of the world. Guided or self-guided, Port Union National Historic District
hiking or walking on the Hike Discovery Boardwalk for fossils from the Ediacaran
trail network takes you to sea stacks, Period, admire the curious existence of
long-abandoned outports, and the Devil’s Footprints in Keels, and more.
interesting rock formations. On the peninsula’s north side, turn
The northern tip of the Bonavista off Route 235 onto Route 235-17 to
Peninsula is where John Cabot landed Open Hall, Red Cliff, and Tickle Cove,
in 1497. Upon seeing land, his first famed for the song “Tickle Cove Pond.”
words were ‘Oh buono vista!’ or Scenes from the feature film The Grand
‘Oh happy sight!’. There you will find Seduction were filmed in this area. At
the Ryan Premises National Historic Three Mile Ridge farm, visit the
Site, a restored multi-building fish animals, tour the honeybee field, or
merchant premises, which tells the hike to a cookhouse where you’ll enjoy
story of five centuries of the fishery a meal at sunset.
in Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Mockbeggar Plantation
Provincial Historic Site is the legacy
of F. Gordon Bradley, Newfoundland’s
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