Page 244 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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Heritage Run                    in Burin Harbour. Captain James Cook
        Start: Goobies                  stationed troops atop what is now called
        Length: About 482 km. Add a 1 hour ferry   Cook’s Lookout to watch for pirates and
        crossing to the French Islands of St. Pierre   privateers. The community museum has
        at Miquelon                     excellent displays on the 1929 tsunami
                                        that devastated the coast.
                                          Winterland, on Route 222, has the best
                                        soil in the peninsula, and has been a farming
                                        area since the dark days of the Depression.
                                        It’s also a good place for birdwatching.
          Route 210 takes you down the Burin   In 1942, two U.S. warships ran aground
        Peninsula. Everything is different here   near St. Lawrence. The people of St.
        – from the dialects, to traditional set and   Lawrence and Lawn risked their lives and
        square dances, to the architecture.   successfully rescued 186 sailors, bringing
          Most communities are on the Placentia   the sailors ashore and into their homes.
        Bay side of the peninsula, because of the   One of those rescued was the late Lanier
        good anchorage, abundance of fish, and   Phillips. The kindness shown to him by
        pebble beaches for drying fish. There are   the people of St. Lawrence – most of
        only a handful of communities on the   whom had never before seen someone of
        west side in Fortune Bay. One of these is   African American descent – helped him
        Bay L’Argent, where a coastal boat –   imagine a better world, and he went on to
        passengers and freight only – connects   help desegregate the U.S. Navy. The
        with the community of Rencontre East   Chamber Cove Heritage Walk traces the
        and, further west, Pool’s Cove in the   rugged coastline and leads to a memorial
        Coast of Bays. The return trip is a fine   monument commemorating this event.
        one-day excursion.              For a deeper dive into the history of these
          Swift Current has long been a favourite   shores, a guided walking tour is a must.
        area for sport fishing, and antique car   Grand Bank is the quintessential
        enthusiasts will want to check out   Newfoundland outport. More than any
        Vernon’s Antique Car Museum.    other, this town is associated with the
          The highway crosses maritime barrens,   schooner fishery, and the town’s
        one of the main eco-regions that   architecture reflects the prosperity and
        characterize the province’s ecology. Keep   loss that went hand-in-hand with that
        an eye out for rough-legged hawks. The   once-booming industry. Excellent
        boulders dotting the landscape are   examples of Queen Anne-style homes are
        erratics dropped by glaciers when they   topped by widow’s walks, where the
        melted 10,000 years ago.        wives of well-to-do skippers waited,
          Community names reflect the diverse   sometimes in vain, for their husbands’
        European influences on early settlement:   return. Buildings in the town have
        Spanish Room, Jean de Baie, Rock Harbour.   features borrowed from the architectures
        Basque and Portuguese influences are   of eastern Canada and New England,
        sometimes buried under several layers of   reflecting the reach of the fish trade. The
        translation of the original names.   George C. Harris House is a perfect
          Marystown is the region’s commercial   example of this period architecture, and
        hub and service centre. Nearby Burin on   the building’s widow’s walk provides a
        Route 221 is built along a series of high   bird’s-eye view over the town.
        cliffs and sheltered coves. Take a stroll   The Provincial Seamen’s Museum is
        along the Oldest Colony Trust boardwalk   located here as well.

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