Page 249 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 249

M                             M                                           Eastern

 N                             N     1.  Hickman’s Harbour   10. Plate Cove East
                                     2.  Brooklyn     11.  Plate Cove West  Reference Map
                                     3.  Charleston   12. Princeton
                      7   elliston   4.  Lockston Path    13. Sweet Bay
 O             9      8        O        Provincial Park  14. Musgravetown
                10                   5.  Trinity East  15. Deep Bight
               11       port union   6.  English Harbour   16. Hatchet Cove
    14  2    12        port rexton   7.  Newman’s Cove   17.  Ivany’s Cove
 P                 5  6        P     8.  Upper Amherst Cove  18. Salt Pond
 port blandford  trinity  champney’s west  9.  Open Hall   19. Winterland
 thorburn lake       dunfield
 Q  shoal harbour   Trinity Bay  Q
    Bay du Nord  clarenville  random island
 Wilderness  15
 Reserve  16
 north west brook  little heart’s ease
 R  goobies                    R
    swift current
 S                             S

                                      ) %  Major Access Points
 T  bay l’argent               T      FERRY: Fortune (V13) (from St. Pierre, France)
                                      ROAD: Routes 1, 210, 220
 Fortune Bay  bay l’argent junction
 petite forte
 U                             U            Provincial Park
 frenchman’s cove  spanish room
 marystown  Placentia Bay                   Provincial Historic Site
 V  18  lewin’s cove           V            National Historic Site/Park
 Saint-Pierre  grand bank  burin            Saint-Pierre Ferry
 et Miquelon  fortune                       (Passenger & Vehicle)
 (France)                                   Coastal Boat (Passenger & Freight)
 W  st. lawrence               W
                                            Ski Area
                                            Golf Course
 saint-pierre                               Trans-Canada Highway
 X                             X            Provincial Visitor
                                            Information Centre
                                            Please refer to the Traveller’s Map
                                            for more detail.
 12    13   14   15    16  17    18    19     20  21    22

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