Page 65 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 65
Codroy Valley Three Rivers /
International Wetlands Sandy Point Lookout
Start: St. Andrew’s Start: Codroy Pond Western
Length: About 46 km Length: About 129 km
A 15-minute drive north of Channel- Off the main highway and onto Routes Road Trips
Port aux Basques you’ll find Grand Bay 404 and 405 you’ll find some great
West and J.T. Cheeseman Provincial Park salmon fishing in streams like the
– nesting sites of the endangered piping Crabbes and Robinsons rivers. The sandy
plover. Please pay close attention to the trails that edge coastal meadows in the
exclusion signs that mark their territory. quiet communities provide fine lookouts
Southwest Newfoundland is an over Bay St. George South. Join an ATV
excellent birding location. Not only is it tour and explore backcountry trails while
on the flyway of many migrating species, learning about the area’s pirate history.
but the area’s beaches, marshes, and Legend has it, there’s treasure buried
estuaries – such as the Codroy Valley here. Excellent fishing can also be found
International Wetlands – provide further north at Flat Bay Brook.
excellent refuge and food.
This area has some of the island’s best Caribou Trail
farmland, settled generations ago by Start: Barachois Pond Provincial Park For more road trip information, visit
Scots who brought with them place Length: About 150 km. Optional ferry
names like St. Andrew’s, and further crossings from 75 minutes to 3 hours.
north off Routes 404 and 405, Highlands
and Lochleven. Cape Anguille is worth a
visit while you’re in the area for some of
the best sunsets on the island.
The mountains just north of the Codroy
Valley and west of Route 1 are famed for The largest park in the provincial
their winds. When the trains passed system, Barachois Pond has excellent
through here, the railway employed outdoor recreation facilities and a large
Lauchie McDougall to warn of high winds campground. Walk the Erin Mountain
from Table Mountain. Those 160 km-per- Trail, beginning with a boardwalk and
hour gusts could blow a train from the leading to a lookout over Barachois Pond.
narrow gauge tracks. Today, both Lauchie The upper part of the trail climbs 340
and the railway are gone, and truckers rely on metres and offers views over Bay St.
cellphones to find out when the wind is up. George, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and the
There are several world-class hiking Long Range Mountains.
trails here, including the moderate 5.1 km For a change of scenery, leave the
Starlite Trail to the top of the Long Range coast and drive through the interior
Mountains. The trailhead is on Route 1 along Route 480. The route snakes
near Route 407. For a coastal trail with a through thick forests and then heads
mountainous backdrop, the moderate south across boulder-strewn barrens to
5.5-km Coastangs Trail has trailheads in Burgeo. Sandbanks Provincial Park boasts
both Searston and St. Andrew’s. four connected beautiful sandy beaches.
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