Page 67 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 67
Admiral Palliser’s Trail Street, lined with restaurants, cafés, and
Start: Corner Brook craft breweries. For unique views, stroll
Length: About 40 km the Corner Brook Stream Trail. Western
Legend says the Spanish buried a
treasure on Shellbird Island in the
Humber River. Look closely – there’s an
old man’s face in a rock formation which
overlooks the island, said to be a marker
Sir Hugh Palliser was a governor of for the treasure. The 5-km Man in the
Newfoundland in the 18th century and Mountain Trail leads to its rocky summit. Road Trips
the man who sent Captain Cook to Marble Mountain in Steady Brook gets
survey the west coast. The highway an average of 16 feet of snow every
named after him, Route 440, traces the winter and is one of the best ski hills in
north shore of the Bay of Islands into an eastern Canada. There’s a lodge and
area great for ocean fishing, hiking, and accommodations at the base of the hill.
birdwatching. Take a snowmobiling tour on the area’s
A tour will give you a more in-depth groomed trails, or try ziplining – yes, even
experience, and plenty of interaction with in winter.
the locals. Learn how to catch and fillet Spend a day kayaking or stand-up
cod in Cox’s Cove, and pair the experience paddling, or tee off at an award-winning
with a seafood boil-up and a farm-to-table golf course. Take a mountain biking tour
feast. If you’re lucky enough to be here in or explore the area’s hidden cave system.
the winter, try some guided ice fishing or Connect with a local guide for a day of
join a snowmobiling tour. angling on the Humber River, one of the For more road trip information, visit
best Atlantic salmon rivers on the planet.
Humber Valley In Deer Lake, get acquainted with the
Start: Corner Brook colourful creatures at the Newfoundland
Length: About 57 km Insectarium, or hit the Walking Trails of
Deer Lake – one path will lead you to
sandy Deer Lake Beach. In July, check out
the Strawberry Festival.
At the Upper Humber Settlement in
Cormack, uncover the stories of the
Nestled in the foothills of the farmers and the pioneers who settled
Appalachian Mountains, the Humber here 100 years ago.
Valley follows the Humber River from the
city of Corner Brook to Deer Lake. The Viking Trail
area is particularly striking in the fall, Start: Deer Lake
when the tree-fringed slopes turn Length: About 687 km
vermilion, amber, and gold.
At the Historic Train Site, see the
collection of narrow gauge rolling stock
from the Newfoundland Railway. The
Corner Brook Museum and Archives
celebrate the history and culture of the Follow Route 430 from Deer Lake and
region. Take in exhibits by established get ready for Gros Morne National Park,
and emerging artists at the Rotary Arts one of two UNESCO World Heritage
Centre, and spend some time on West Sites you’ll see on this route.
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