Page 73 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 73
red bay
A Point Amour Lighthouse LABRADOR 32 boat harbour l’anse aux meadows A
Provincial Historic Site QUÉBEC 22 30 Western
B l’anse-au-clair 23 27 B
blanc sablon 25 26
21 st. anthony
C flower’s C
st. barbe cove main
plum point
D shoal cove west D
reefs harbour 1. Cape Ray 17. Shoal Brook
roddickton conche 2. Millville 18. Portland
E 20 E 3. Codroy Creek Pond Reference Map
port au choix englee
19 4. South Branch 19. Port Saunders
F hawke’s bay F 5. St. David’s 20. Bide Arm
river of ponds 6. Cartyville 21. Green Island Cove
7. Robinsons 22. Raleigh
G G 8. St. Teresa 23. Pistolet Bay
daniel’s harbour great harbour deep 9. Black Duck Siding Provincial Park
H portland creek H 10. Kippens 24. Cape Onion
Arches Provincial Park 18 11. Little Rapids 25. Griquet
12. Humber Valley 26. St. Lunaire
I cow head jackson’s arm I Resort 27. Gunner’s Cove
st. pauls 13. Reidville 28. Quirpon
sop’s arm 14. Sir Richard Squires 29. Quirpon Island
pollards point
J green point J Provincial Park 30. Straitsview
rocky harbour neddy harbour 15. Big Bonne Bay Pond 31. Goose Cove
woody point norris point
K trout river 17 K 16. Lomond/ 32. Pinware River
16 wiltondale Lomond River Provincial Park
glenburnie 15 14
L cormack 13 L
deer lake ! ) % Major Access Points
cox’s cove
lark harbour 12 howley AIR: Deer Lake (M8), Stephenville (05), St. Anthony
M york harbour 11 pasadena M (B13) FERRY: Channel-Port aux Basques (T3)
Marble Mountain (from North Sydney, NS); St. Barbe (C10) (seasonal
N corner brook steady N from Blanc Sablon, QC) ROAD: Routes 1, 430
fox island river
black duck brook
O 10 9 O
cape stephenville Provincial Park
st. george port au Campground
P port east barachois brook P
8 st. george’s Provincial Historic Site
6 National Historic Site/Park
Q 5 robinsons junction Q
highlands Local Ferry (Car & Passenger)
river brook
Coastal Boat (Passenger & Freight)
R cape anguille coal brook R Airport
great 3 4
codroy o’reagan’s Ski Area
upper ferry
S 2 doyles S Golf Course
1 isle aux morts la poile Trans-Canada Highway
T margaree burgeo ramea T Provincial Visitor
channel-port rose Information Centre
aux basques blanche Please refer to the Traveller’s Map
U U for more detail.
Ferry to Nova Scotia
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Visit | 71