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Port aux Basques, Route 1 (T3) STARBOARD SIDE GUEST HOUSE (TH) F
5 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 100 Caribou Road
HOTEL PORT AUX BASQUES (H/M) FTY2 T: (709) 695 6314 E: starboardsideguesthouse@
49 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 2 Grand Bay W: Description:
Road T: (709) 695 2171 TF: (877) 695 2171 Clean, comfortable, and ideally located. We
E: W: offer 3 rooms with private ensuites, and a
Description: Canada’s first autism-friendly 2-bedroom with ensuite. We also offer a
hotel with sensory room and adapted rooms. 1-bedroom housekeeping suite with private
Locally-owned, we maintain the hospitality entry. Amazing views. Amenities: BBQ, Accommodations
that the island is known for. Nearby hiking balcony/deck, internet/wi-fi, iron/board,
trails, beaches, and shopping. Amenities: kitchen/kitchenette, private bath/ensuite,
AC, business centre, cribs, fireplace, gift shuttle service, waterfront view. $$: $100–$150.
shop/convenience store, internet/wi-fi, iron/ CC: AE, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
board, jacuzzi, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry,
licenced dining, meeting facilities, no pets Isle aux Morts, Route 470 (T3)
allowed (service animals welcome), private
bath/ensuite, room service, rooms w/2 beds, LILLINGTON’S HOUSEKEEPING UNITS (C) F-
4 Units, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 24 Route 470 T:
seniors’ rate, waterfront view. $$: Room (709) 698 3889 E:
$144.99–$159.99, suite $199.99–$219.99, family Description: 20 minutes to the Nova Scotia
rate $144.99. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
ferry, walking distance to the Harvey Trail. 25
SHARK COVE SUITES (A) F- minutes to the lighthouse. Amenities: Balcony/
8 Housekeeping suites, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 16 deck, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/
Currie Avenue T: (709) 695 3831 / 6396 Off- kitchenette, laundry, private bath/ensuite. $$:
Season T: (709) 695 8198 E: richardparsons@ Double $70, extra person $5, children free. CC: Description: Modern, spacious MC, V, e-Transfer.
1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom suites, located in quiet Rose Blanche, Route 470 (T4)
residential area, 2.5 km from the Nova Scotia
ferry. Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, cribs, LIGHTKEEPER’S INN B&B (B) FI2
internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette, 4 Rooms, Jun 11–Sep 23 Loc: 75 Water Bottom
private bath/ensuite. $$: $75–$95, weekly, Road T: (709) 956 2052 / 2141 Off-Season T:
monthly, and off-season rates available. CC: (709) 956 2903 E:
e-Transfer. W: Description:
A renovated soapbox-style home located at
ST. CHRISTOPHER’S the Rose Blanche Lighthouse heritage site.
HOTEL (H/M) FTYI32 A quiet, relaxed place to enjoy the ocean,
83 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 146 Caribou Road rugged scenery, community walking trails,
T: (709) 695 3500 / 7034 TF: (800) 563 4779 E: and outport culture. Amenities: BBQ, balcony/ W: stchrishotel. deck, complimentary breakfast, cribs, gift
com BL: shop/convenience store, internet/wi-fi, iron/
Description: King of the hill accommodations board, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, no pets
nestled in craggy coastal landscape offering allowed (service animals welcome), private
superb panoramic harbour view. Super clean, bath/ensuite, waterfront view. $$: Single $80,
genuinely friendly and comfortable. Near double $100. CC: Debit, MC, V.
ferry. Amenities: AC, business centre, cribs,
electric car charging station, fireplace, fitness Doyles, Route 406 (S3)
facilities, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/
kitchenette, laundry, licenced dining, meeting CODROY VALLEY
facilities, private bath/ensuite, room service, COTTAGE COUNTRY (C) FTYI3
8 Housekeeping units, May 1–Nov 30 Loc:
rooms w/2 beds, seniors’ rate, waterfront view. Route 406 T: (709) 955 2720 TF: (877) 655
$$: $120.99–$156.99, suites $138.99–$199.99. 2720 E: W:
CC: AE, Debit, MC, V. Description: 1-
and 2-bedroom suites and fully-equipped
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