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and fridges. All the comforts of home!   chalet apartments with kitchen, living room,
        Amenities: AC, business centre, cribs, gift   1 1/2 bathrooms. Near walking trails, a golf
        shop/convenience store, internet/wi-fi, iron/  course, shopping, restaurants, and other
        board, licenced dining, private bath/ensuite,   attractions. Amenities: Business centre, gift     Western
        rooms w/2 beds, seniors’ rate, waterfront view.   shop/convenience store, internet/wi-fi, iron/
        $$: $109.99–$215.99, group and corporate rates   board, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, meeting
        available. CC: AE, DC/E, Debit, MC, V.  facilities, no pets allowed (service animals
                                        welcome), rooms w/2 beds. $$: $139–$159,
        GLYNMILL INN (H/M) FT-2         weekly and monthly rates available. No tax on
        78 Rooms and suites, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 1B   monthly rates. CC: Debit, MC, V.
        Cobb Lane T: (709) 634 5181 TF: (800) 563 4400
        E: W:   HEW & DRAW HOTEL (H/M) FI-432
        Description: Registered heritage structure,   36 Suites, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 53-55 West Street
        “unparalleled ambiance in the old English   T: (709) 388 3300 E: W:   Accommodations
        style.” Amenities: AC, business centre, fitness Description: Family-owned
        facilities, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, licenced   boutique hotel offering laid-back luxury in the
        dining, meeting facilities, private bath/ensuite,   heart of Corner Brook. Unique rooms, each
        room service, rooms w/2 beds, seniors’ rate.   with custom furnishings and amenities that
        $$: $139–$290. CC: AE, MC, V.   celebrate the beauty and history of our region.
                                        Amenities: AC, balcony/deck, business centre,
        GREENWOOD INN & SUITES (H/M) F-42  complimentary breakfast, cribs, electric car
        102 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 48 West Street T:   charging station, fireplace, fitness facilities, gift
        (709) 634 5381 TF: (800) 399 5381 E: mhickscb@  shop/convenience store, hot tub, internet/wi-fi, W: Description:   iron/board, jacuzzi, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry,
        Full-service hotel with knowledgeable staff   licenced dining, meeting facilities, private bath/
        and modern amenities for business and leisure   ensuite, room service, rooms w/2 beds, seniors’
        travel. Amenities: AC, balcony/deck, business   rate. $$: $179.99–$329.99. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
        centre, cribs, fitness facilities, indoor pool,
        internet/wi-fi, iron/board, jacuzzi, laundry,   QUALITY INN (H/M) F-
        licenced dining, meeting facilities, private   55 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31  Loc: 64 Maple
        bath/ensuite, room service, rooms w/2 beds,   Valley Road T: (709) 639 8901 TF: (800) 563
        seniors’ rate, shuttle service. $$: $119–$216,   8600 E:
        off-season rates available. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.  W: Description:
                                        Newly renovated hotel overlooking the city
        GRENFELL CAMPUS SUMMER          of Corner Brook in western Newfoundland.
        ACCOMMODATIONS (H/U) FTYI432    Full-service restaurant on-site and close to
        150 Rooms, May 1–Aug 21 Loc: 20 University   major shopping centres and highway access.
        Drive T: (709) 637 6255 / 639 4799 TF: (866)   Amenities: AC, business centre, cribs, fitness
        494 3548 E: conferenceservices@grenfell.mun.  facilities, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, laundry,
        ca W:   licenced dining, meeting facilities, private
        Description: Newer residence with traditional   bath/ensuite, room service, rooms w/2 beds,
        dorm-style rooms, equipped with 2 single beds   seniors’ rate, waterfront view. $$: $119–$250,
        with built-in drawers, closet, large mirror, desk/  off-season rates available. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
        chair unit, and private bathrooms. Amenities:
        Business centre, gift shop/convenience store,   RHONDA’S HILLSIDE HAVEN
        internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette,   HOUSEKEEPING UNITS (S) F
        laundry, meeting facilities, no pets allowed   1 Housekeeping unit, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 43
        (service animals welcome), private bath/ensuite,   Hillside Road T: (709) 639 8487 / 632 0091 TF:
        rooms w/2 beds. $$: $52–$132. CC: Debit, MC, V.  (866) 525 0294 E: leo_the_hunter@hotmail.
                                        com Description: Clean, comfortable, self-
        GRENFELL CAMPUS,                contained 2-bedroom unit, overlooking
        MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY OF          spectacular view of Bay of Islands. Many
        NEWFOUNDLAND (A) FTYI432        conveniences included, including a washer
        45 Apartments, May 1–Aug 21  Loc: 20   and dryer. Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck,
        University Drive T: (709) 637 6255 / 639 4799   fireplace, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/
        TF: (866) 494 3548 E: conferenceservices@  kitchenette, laundry, no pets allowed (service  W:  animals welcome), private bath/ensuite,
        conference-services Description: Set on a   waterfront view. $$: $100–$120, extra person
        beautiful campus. Fully-furnished 4-bedroom
                                        $10. CC: V.
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