Page 95 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 95
VALHALLA LODGE B&B (B) F4 right to the rocks! Amenities: BBQ, balcony/
5 Rooms, Jun 1–Sep 21 Loc: Route 436 T: deck, complimentary breakfast, cribs, iron/
(709) 754 3105 / 689 2126 TF: (877) 623 2018 E: board, private bath/ensuite, rooms w/2 beds, W: valhalla-lodge. waterfront view. $$: $460–$800, includes boat Western
com Description: Situated on a hill overlooking transfer and all meals. CC: MC, V.
the Atlantic Ocean, 5 miles from the Viking Hay Cove, L’Anse aux Meadows, Route 436 (A14)
site. Newly renovated throughout. TV in each
room. Patios in some rooms. Great location for VIKING NEST B&B (B)
exploring the area. Amenities: Balcony/deck, 4 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: Route 436 T: (709)
complimentary breakfast, cribs, electric car 623 2238 Off-Season T: (877) 858 2238 TF:
charging station, fireplace, internet/wi-fi, iron/ (877) 858 2238 E: W:
board, jacuzzi, laundry, private bath/ensuite, Description: 1 km
rooms w/2 beds, waterfront view. $$: Double from L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic
$120–$175, extra person $15, off-season rates Site and the Norstead, and 30 minutes from Accommodations
available. CC: AE, DC/E, Debit, MC, PayPal, V, St. Anthony. Hiking trails at your doorstep.
e-Transfer. New Iceberg Alley Trail. Amenities: Balcony/
deck, complimentary breakfast, gift shop/
Straitsview, Route 436 (A14)
convenience store, internet/wi-fi, private
BEACHY COVE CABINS (C) F3 bath/ensuite, rooms w/2 beds, seniors’ rate,
2 Units, May 1–Oct 31 Loc: 186 Main Street waterfront view. $$: Single $95, double from
T: (709) 623 2715 / 2038 E: joyhedderson@ $95, private bath extra, off-season rates W: available. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
Description: Restaurants nearby, walking
distance to live entertainment, screech-ins, VIKING VILLAGE B&B (B) F2
5 Rooms, May 15–Oct 15 Loc: Main Street
whale watching, icebergs, near World Heritage T: (877) 623 2548 / (709) 623 2548 TF: (877)
Site. Airport, boat tours, grocery, and craft 623 2548 E:
stores nearby. Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, W: Description: Located
internet/wi-fi, kitchen/kitchenette, no pets within walking distance of the L’Anse aux
allowed (service animals welcome), rooms w/2 Meadows UNESCO World Heritage Viking
beds. $$: $149, extra person (above 4) $10. CC: Site and numerous hiking trails. Full breakfast
Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
served. Ocean view rooms with deck and
SNORRI CABINS (C) 32 private bathroom. Amenities: Balcony/deck,
5 Cabins, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: Main Road T: (709) complimentary breakfast, electric car charging
623 2343 / 2241 Off-Season T: (877) 622 2241 station, fireplace, gift shop/convenience store,
TF: (877) 622 2241 E: fordmblake@hotmail. internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette,
com W: Description: 2 km laundry, no pets allowed (service animals
from L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic welcome), playground/play area, private
Site and Norstead. Walking trails nearby. bath/ensuite, rooms w/2 beds, seniors’ rate,
Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, cribs, gift shop/ waterfront view. $$: $129–$159, off-season
convenience store, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, rates available. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, licenced dining, St. Anthony Bight, Route 430 (B14)
meeting facilities, no pets allowed (service
animals welcome), playground/play area, YVONNE’S COTTAGES (C) -3
private bath/ensuite, room service, rooms w/2 2 Cottages, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 20 Main Street T:
beds. $$: 1-bedroom $149, 2-bedroom $159. (709) 454 2076 / 5342 E: von_pilgrim@hotmail.
CC: DC/E, Debit, MC, PayPal, V, e-Transfer. com W: Description: Fully-
equipped and newly updated 2-bedroom
Quirpon Island (A14-15)
cottages. With our ocean view you can see
QUIRPON LIGHTHOUSE INN (I) FI2 icebergs and whales from your window or
10 Rooms, Jun 1–Sep 21 Loc: Main Road T: sitting on the deck. Amenities: BBQ, balcony/
(709) 634 2285 TF: (877) 254 6586 E: info@ deck, Indigenous, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, W: kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, no pets allowed
quirpon-lighthouse-inn Description: Unique (service animals welcome), private bath/
deserted island lightkeeper experience, ensuite, rooms w/2 beds, waterfront view. $$:
overlooking Iceberg Alley. Newfoundland’s Double $148–$168, extra person $10, children
longest iceberg season, often into August! (under 12) free, pet $15. CC: MC, V, e-Transfer.
Incredible whale watching as they come
Visit | 93