Page 99 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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playground/play area, pull-through sites, fully-serviced campsites, swimming pool,
sewage hook-ups, unserviced sites, water hook- 200 ft waterslide, petting zoo, restaurant,
ups. $$: Fully-serviced $40, semi-serviced $38, takeout, Liquor Express, lounge. Amenities:
unserviced $30, taxes included. CC: Debit, MC, V. Convenience store, drinking water, dumping Western
station, electric hook-ups, firepit/BBQ,
Lark Harbour, Route 450 (M5)
food service on-site, Indigenous, laundry,
BLOW ME DOWN PROVINCIAL PARK - playground/play area, pool, pull-through
28 Sites, Late May–Mid Sep Loc: Route 450, sites, sewage hook-ups, unserviced sites,
58 km from Route 1 T: (709) 681 2430 Off- water hook-ups. $$: $45–$60. CC: Debit, MC,
Season T: (709) 637 2040 TF: (877) 214 2267 V, e-Transfer.
E: W: Description:
Small, scenic park situated in a peninsula SIR RICHARD SQUIRES
jutting into the Bay of Islands. The park offers MEMORIAL PROVINCIAL PARK - Campgrounds
28 unserviced campsites. Amenities: Beach, 155 Sites, Late May–Early Sep Loc: Route
422, 40 km from Route 1 T: (709) 636 1509
comfort station, drinking water, drive-in sites, Off-Season T: (709) 637 2040 TF: (877)
dumping station, firepit/BBQ, internet/wi-fi, 214 2267 E: W:
laundry, seniors’ rate, unserviced sites. $$: See
website. CC: Debit, MC, V. Description: Angling, photography, watching
the salmon leaping the waterfalls, boreal
Deer Lake, Route 1 (L8) forest, birdwatching. Large but quiet park.
Amenities: Comfort station, drinking water,
DEER LAKE BEACH drive-in sites, dumping station, firepit/BBQ,
CAMPGROUND & RV PARK F- internet/wi-fi, laundry, playground/play area,
43 Sites, May 21–Oct 12 Loc: 197 Nicholsville seniors’ rate, unserviced sites. $$: See website.
Road T: (709) 635 2222 Off-Season T: (709)
636 0278 E: CC: Debit, MC, V.
Description: RV sites on the shores of Deer Big Bonne Bay Pond, Route 430 (L8)
Lake! Immaculate beach for swimming,
kayaking, paddleboarding etc. Playground and JACKLADDER RV PARK FT-
30 Sites, May 15–Nov 12 Loc: 6 Route 430 T:
jumping pillow for the kids! Office and store
on-site. Amenities: Beach, convenience store, (709) 635 5000 / 689 9438 E: info@jackladder.
ca W: Description: Fully-serviced
drinking water, drive-in sites, electric hook- sites with 50-amp electrical and water. 7
ups, firepit/BBQ, food service on-site, internet/ minutes from Gros Morne National Park on
wi-fi, playground/play area, pull-through sites, the Viking Trail. Amenities: Comfort station,
sewage hook-ups, unserviced sites, water hook- convenience store, drinking water, dumping
ups. $$: $25–$75. CC: Debit, MC, V.
station, electric hook-ups, firepit/BBQ,
GATEWAY TO THE NORTH RV PARK -4 food service on-site, internet/wi-fi, laundry,
80 Sites, Jun 12–Sep 5 Loc: 1 Route 430 T: playground/play area, sewage hook-ups,
(709) 635 2693 / 5888 E: geribeaulieu@hotmail. water hook-ups. $$: $39.50. CC: AE, Debit, MC,
com W: V, e-Transfer.
Description: Modern deluxe campground
on the banks of the Humber River. Sites have Lomond, Route 431 (K7)
3-way hookup plus wi-fi. Most are big rig pull- LOMOND CAMPGROUND–
through, 50-amp. Located where the Viking PARKS CANADA GROS MORNE NATIONAL
Trail joins Route 1. Amenities: Comfort station, PARK FTYI-438
drinking water, drive-in sites, dumping station, 29 Sites, May 19–Oct 9 Loc: Off Route
electric hook-ups, firepit/BBQ, internet/wi-fi, 431 T: (709) 458 2417 TF: (877) 737 3783 E:
laundry, playground/play area, pull-through W:
sites, sewage hook-ups, unserviced sites, water Description: Located on the shores of Bonne
hook-ups. $$: $50, 50-amp $55. CC: Debit, MC, Bay, offering stunning salt water and mountain
V, e-Transfer. views. Great location for boating, kayaking,
fishing, hiking, and picnics. Amenities: Beach,
Cormack, Route 422 (L8)
comfort station, drinking water, drive-in sites,
FUNLAND RESORT TRAILER PARK F-3 dumping station, firepit/BBQ, playground/play
83 Sites, May 15–Sep 30 Loc: Veteran’s Drive area, seniors’ rate. $$: National park entry pass
T: (709) 635 7227 E: and camping fees required. See website. CC:
W: Description: Summer AE, Debit, MC, V.
fun and winter adventure. 10 cottages, 83
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